Letter from friends Alice and Andy to Dr. Wilsey

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Letter from friends Alice and Andy to Dr. Wilsey


United States--Armed Forces--Military Life


Alice, Andy


The Wilsey Collection



The Holocaust Center for Humanity

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310.215.1-3.2017 Transcription


[The following is a letter written to Wilsey from Alice and Andy, friends from home.]


Wed. July 18

Dearest Dave:—

We are really having summer

now and everyone is glad.

Wish you were here to help

eat some of our vegetables, every-

thing was so late in getting started

tho I’m afraid the frost will

take the squash and tomatoes.

Andy is busy these days, has

had a man here this week and

last working they have gone

over the field and it’s a big

job especially when its hot.

Think Edyth Greer is back at

work, Dr. Roantree isn’t tho,

guess he had a heart attack.

heard he couldn’t climb thoes [sic]

stairs for a long time so

would just operate. You said

that would happen to him.

[I told Alice & a few other good friends my “diagnosis” pre-Carlisle][1]

We had such a long nice letter

from Emily, Dave she can hardly


stand in you not seeing and

being able to enjoy Terry,[2] she

mentioned it a couple of times,

he sounds just perfect, my

how we’d love to see him.

Elko seems about the same,

Doris isnt well and has gone

to L.A. to her Dr. there, John

said she had to have a Minor

Operation and maybe another,

she’s been looking tired and

has been too, she’s learning to

fly, all the ranchers are busy

these days and people are

talking fairs now, there’s quite

a controversity [sic] going on, Ellis

(at the Stockmans Hotel) want’s a

Rodeo and he has a lot of backers

in it and Walters + Crunlet dont

think it will go over having a

fair too, the Stockmans is

very nice they are working

on the coffee shop now, I

havn’t seen any of their rooms

but it has all been cleaned

and lots of new furniture bought.


Mr. C. is very un happy over

the whole deal, and they are

going to do a lot of improving

and enlarging now, Chris is

moving the paper out and

the hotel will extend to the

corner, they are adding more

rooms also. Walters are moving

where Harold [(Adele)][3] Mahons lived

next to the S. Station on Idaho,

Mrs. C and children are here and

I guess she’s made Connie

very upset as nothing is right

at the house. He’s in the south

some place, Mexico I think in

training for over-sea’s duty.

Mrs Cox isn’t very well and

has gone to S. 7. Dick and Jane

took David to S.L. to a specialist

and they can’t remove his tonsils

till he’s built up, he’s had one spell

after another and is very frail looking

but so sweet, Jane is going to


have another baby [(We iz behind times.)][4] so is Thresia

Comish and she’s been miserable

and still is, & those Mrs (Dr.) Smith,

looked liked she was but Im

not sure, he has some compitation [sic]


Andy had a funny spell one

evening not long ago, had a terrible

pain at the base of his skull,

by evening it was un bearable

and he was frightened too,

we called the new Dr. that

took your place he said

it was a muscle spasam

and worked with him, he

seemed very nice (not as nice as

you tho) and we like him, it’s

a funny thing tho, it Andy has a

ridge now all along his head where

the pain was isn’t that queer?

he was fine the next day tho.

Evelyn and children are in Oakland

for their vacation, they are just

sick about Gary the hearing has

gone completely from one ear, the

Dr. said it would never be

any good, and another said by


removing an obstruction it

could be helped.

We’ve been fishing a couple

of times not too much luck,

the fourth we went out to

Jeff hunts ranch (he’s sold

most of his tractors ect and

is on the ranch really working.)

Caught some nice fish, had lots

of good eats, butter beef cream

sure tasted good to us.

Well old Dear guess I’ve rambled

on enough, take care of your

self and rest when you can,

Love and Kisses,

Alive and Andy.



The bull said to the farmer,

“if you want beef next spring

“Don’t fence me in,” corney eh?

in case you havn’t hear

“Dont fence me in” is a song.


[1] Bracketed text written by Wilsey in between lines.

[2] Wilsey’s infant son.

[3] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret, by Wilsey.

[4] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret, by Wilsey.



Alice, Andy, “Letter from friends Alice and Andy to Dr. Wilsey,” The Wilsey Collection, accessed May 15, 2024, https://hchwilsey.omeka.net/items/show/212.

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