August 1, 1945

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1 Aug 45 (I’ll be here a little

while longer it seems).

[A.S. Lately I haven’t pointedly acknowledged all the

stamps enclosed in various letters, dear.][1]

Hi, dearest,

It seems Ive been writing letter furiously

for 2 solid days. Between delays in forewarded mail

& being gone those 8 days as truck Confvoy Officer

[during which 8 days I only wrote one “one-pager” the first night out

when we were 1/3 of the way to the bottom of France c̅[2] our materiel][3]

I was “snowed-under” c̅ over 2 dozen answerings

to carry out. 19 of those answerings were yours, &

I wrote a “15-pager” to answer all the 19 in one

sitting. I surely hope that letter makes-it-through

(as well as the one following (yesterday) which contains Terry’s[4]

present to you on his Birthday—yup! his present to

you that he asked me to get for you. Seeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Ill let the enclosed letters of Margee & Margery

do most of my “talking” for me today.

The only thing I want to write (& Ill rep it 3X

in subsiquent letters) is this:—Originally, & until

about May 12th to June 30th, 1945, a Bronze Star

meant/stood-for/carried a more worth while

significance than it has since that May 12th-June 30th

period. During those dates the politicians in the Army

(& there are thousands as you know) threw Bronze Stars

around like water to each other just so as to get

5 more points on the Adjusted Service Rating. Thus, as

it stands to date, a Bronze Star can be purely

political-eyewash-point grabing or it can be a

truly & sincerely earned award as it was originally

intended to be. P.S. I’m no politician—need my 116th letters prove

Anyhoooo, I surin’ Hell love da boadt uz Yuz c̅

All my love, Dave

P.S. Your “ancient” July 2nds limped threw re: T’s {eating & teeth.[5]

Yes, rep, his EFM.[6] & the #2 cheese finally arrived.

[1] Bracketed text written in the upper-left-hand corner of the original.

[2] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] Their infant son.

[5] In original, “eating” is written above “&,” which is written above “teeth.”

[6] Expeditionary Force Messages, with numbers corresponding to messages for quick correspondence.

August 1, 1945