July 4, 1945

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The Fourth of July 1945

My dearest One,

I have been transferred to the 137th

Evac. (Sem) one the “eve” of when the 116th is

preparing to go into a processing & staging

area for U.S.A. embarkation. Why God has done

this to us is pretty hard to figure out

right as of this minute. To make an

analagous comparison in our respective lives

it seems as of the moment that this “blow”

to me is somewhat like the “blow” to

you regarding Clarice. So many of our

dreams, plans, & desires of the last 6+ weeks

are postponed/“blasted” into a seemingly

unbearable Future. I honestly believe this

transferred is just simply the dastardliness

of War & not any such thing as a “spite-deal”

by the 116th C.O. as he seemed truly sorry,

cooperative, & kindly in those very hurried

departure hours. It is so hard to ration-

alize why God wants it this way but

we do know [& must accept] that it is

His will & best Plan of Life for us.

Sister Selma wrote just before I left

48 hours ago. She says Brother Alden is almost

certain about the decision to repeat his ordain-

ation sermon. I saw Dean Middleton in Paris during


my few hasty hours there—my foggy hours there—

as I had no sleeper on the train from Strassbourg

to Paris. My orders were of the very Rush Type &

the dash in a jeep from Bad-M. to Strassbourg was

no physical or emotional fun. Aside from Dean

Middleton only “momentous” memory of Paris is

the Arc de Triumph.

This outfit, as you can surmise from the

Activation Number of 137 [APO[1] 408 c/o N.Y.C.][2] is a new, “green,” un-

experienced outfit which has never been in

combat nor [even!] set up in tents to function.

The thoughts of the inevidible forthcoming

“rough-spots” associated c̅[3] a new outfit acquiring

its seasoning/“sea-legs” in {combat & tents}[4] is almost

enough to make a guy weep or give up—

those physically, scientifically, emotionally “Horror-

Weeks” of getting an outfit into smooth functioning

are seem almost too much to have to go through

all over again. I wont have any hair on my

head when God finally lets me come home.

Every time that thought-wave of my old

outfit going HOME first, passes across my mind

I have as intense a “blow” as the first one was

when I heard the words only hours after the joyous

116th-news came through. Oh, dearest——

I’m in 2 man-sized tents again. The light

is almost gone—somehow my almost-gone-

spirit will come up—because we always

will have, my dearest One——All Our Love,


[1] Army Post Office.

[2] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[3] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[4] In original, “combat” is written above “&,” which is written above “tents.”

July 4, 1945