Carbon copy of "News of Dr. Wilsey's abdominal obstruction needing surgery" with additional notes

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Carbon copy of "News of Dr. Wilsey's abdominal obstruction needing surgery" with additional notes


United States--Armed Forces--Military Life


Wilsey, David B., MD


The Wilsey Collection



The Holocaust Center for Humanity

Text Item Type Metadata


310.231.1-15.2017 Transcription


[The first 13½ pages of this letter are a carbon copy of 310.230.1-15.2017, with few notes written throughout.]

Marseille Vicinity

Cala[i]s Staging Area

9th7 Sept 45 Friday

My dearest One,

This will be one of the most

“momentious” letters I have ever written

you, dearest. It concerns (#1) the disheartening

failure to get even a “50:50-break” on

sailing out of this port after a month’s

“sweating-it-out” including being taken

off 3 different ships in the “last-minute;”

& (#2) the OUR[1] thoughts & plans over the months

to come about an abdominal operation

that I need for intestinal obstruction

from adhesions based (probably) on my

old ruptured appendix PLUS an incisional

hernia that has developed since enlistment.

↑          ↑          ↑          ↑          ↑          ↑




Much about this operation et al may

be sketchy & retrospective to you as I

have lived so long c̅[2] the minutiae I

neglect them because they are {common place [&] 2nd nature[3]

to me after a whole year.

One of the keynotes is that any time

in the past year I could have gotten


myself sen[t] home on exactly the

same basis & medical facts as Doris

Settle McNulty was forced home against

her will. [You are as of now appauled, or

disgu[s]ted, or furious c̅ me I suppose][4].

The reasons why not are these:—(#1) Based

“on-a-job-to-do,” Patriotism, acting “for

you” in this War (Elko, 1943), & Hippocritean

principles I did not quit the combat-

life because thousands of guys needed

help more than I did. Dearest, you

just cant see thousands of guys lying

on crowded hallway floors, & know

that they are going to die unless

operated [on] damn soon—AND know that

the” one bottle-neck of all bottle-necks

to slow the medical-chain is Anesthesia.

Sooooo, you keep on, AND you dont tell

your Precious Wife about it either because

nothing can be done about it, when other

“musts” take precedence in ones “chain-

of-Philosophies.” (#2) I would be damned

if I’d run the gamut of overseas

army chain of evacuation where any

“hambone” could “just practice” tying


knots, for example, inside my belly

just for the “practice.” Dearest, this #2

point is my “screamingest” point in

my life—the no-good “hambones”

I have seen toy c̅ good American

boys just because the great-god-Army

put a little more “chicken-(shit)” on their

shoulders, rather than on the shoulders of

a competent, sincere, & trustworthy

doctor. Yes, I have known 7 to 10 doctors

whom I would have let operate on

me but I had no way of assuring

or procuring their services based on

this (son-of-a-bitchin’!) Army Medical

Service. Sooooo, you keep it to yourself

as you work on, & every minute you

pray—yes, pray and pray and pray

that God doesn’t let the ever present

partial intestinal obstruction become

a complete obstruction demanding emergency

surgery. About 6 to 8 times a month

my obstruction does go complete but

God taught (& helped) me how to work

it open by myself & thus He kept me


out of the clutches of those Chicken-(shit)

sonofabitchin’ bastards. (#3) Now, “&

“forever more,” nobody can ever say

I “bucked” (meaning to squeal out of something)

to get out of combat’s mud, filth, danger

disease, “indeciencies” [Foreward][5], & work-

till-your-ass-drags. Im no martyr,

Hell no!, but I at least have the

philosophical & moral satisfaction of not

having been a “bucker” ——AND——

thousands of guys have had it a damn

site worse than I, yet thousands

of guys had had it a damn site

easier than I, PLUS the thousands

who “bucked” c̅ far less reason

than I didn’t “buck” on.

Soooo, #1 + #2 + #3 gives only a

panoramic summary of my convictions

the past year. Through God’s help I

was able to have the “Courage Of My

Convictions”, though I 49%-damn-near

lost them c̅ that last heart breaker

of a transfer “costing” me my old

outfit c̅ it’s credits & potential advantages.


Now to tie this in c̅ the

137th Evac, the IIA, the Marseille port et al.

Dont ask me how I knew, but I

just knew the 137th would never see

combat action in CBI[6] so I saw my

first (earliest begining) chance to get

this belly of mine back to Dr Schmidt

at Wis. Gen’l Hosp before too many

months had passed. [At times when

I was in misery as I was working open

an episode of complete obstruction I would

pray:—“Please, please, please God let me

get this belly get back to Wis General.”

Oh Dearest One, for day after day, week after

week, & [now][7] month after month I felt so

sure He was granting my prayer—until

last night at 9PM].[8] Oh yes, I forget to

to describe the {common place 2nd nature[9] so that

you’ll understand better:—If I live

very guardly every minute I am awake

I can 99% prevent these episodes of

complete obstruction. (1% occur in my sleep

& so far, when the vomiting awakens me, I

can start my “Beat-It” routine). I never

move, sit, or lay in only very guarded


& specific ways or positions. For example,

I havent laid on my back (flat) for

months & right this minute Id give a

million dollar bill for the relief & privilege

of resting just once on my back. 100%

left sided lying gets damn tiresome.

I never eat certain things. I must

miss a meal if I were force[d] to eat it

fast [“Hooray,” sez Schmaltzie][10]. I never crouch

or squeeze my abdomen in any way.

I refuse all food that might even

remotely be spoiled or be contaminated

as enteritis gives me about 3 day

episode of “Hell.” Etc, etc, etc, for one

whole year’s worth of (boring) minutiae.

Oh, yes, I even carry my own private

(stolen) Miller-Abbott tube to to keep

my guys sucked flat until I could

get to an operating room table it if

an episode [SHOULD][11] ever “beat-me.”

Soooo all in all, my life is Life though

it isnt exactly pleasant-Life, waiting

for that “handgrenade to go off” in

my belly.


Thus—slowly, but madden[ing]ly,

I was winning-my-race to Wis.

General during the tedious 7 weeks

up at Rheims Assembly Area Commad.

Upon arriving here the atomic bomb (&

other facts) was getting me to Wisconsin

all the faster. Then the “Ax” to get lower

point men out began to “fall” here

at Cala[i]s Staging Area, which is just

minutes drive from the gangplank.

We were assigned to sail on the S.S. John

Erickson; it was post-poned by the Army;

& then the “Ax” fell again (yet I survived). We were

assigned to sail on the S.S. Breckenridge

(tomorrow morning); it was postponed just

24 wee hours; & then the “Ax” fell (& I

didnt “survive”). If you will retrospect,

all my letters the past 4 weeks were

just “bursting” to tell you these glorious,

hopeful (& relieving) things yet I refrained

because we once “each-got-a-ride” in

Bad Mergentheim days. [Thou[sa]nds of guys did get the break to get outa here c̅ only 12, 17, 24, 30 etc points.][12] However, dozens &


[dozens] of fellows took their Loved Ones for

“a-ride” by writing even positive letters

before the Erickson, before the Eltinge, & before

the Bre[cke]nridge post-ponements & “Ax” falling

episodes. The cry, the scream, the

justifiable question of thousands in

my same shoes here this minute is:—

“Why! does this sonofabitchin’ army

tan[ta]lize, “build-up,” & then smash

your innermost heart—not for

only once & one week—but for

3 times & four weeks!!?? The truthful

answer, dear, is that the inate,

proven, & eternal shameful mismanage-

ment & inad[e]quacy of the Army c̅ its

“Power Grabbing Dynasty Creating}[13] Inadequates” are to

blame—& will someday, before

someone (or Him) answer for all their

disgraceful inadequacies, bungelings,

& heart-breakings.

This is all very very panoramic

about the Cala[i]s “Sweat-It-Out” Era

of thousands of our lives. Details make

it all the more maddening & heartbreaking.


Ill cite just one example of “Blasted

Dreams” (this will sorta prevail someday, sometime,

anyway). Despite how I know just how

badly you wanted to meet me in,

lets say, Chicago I was going to have

to “insist” [from a NY phone booth][14] I meet you in Bismarck.

In the meantime you would have called

Billy Faber, & done lotsa other things. The

minute I got to 710-4th St you, Terry[15],

& I would leave [DRIVE][16] for Mayos BECAUSE YOU


TERRY, darlin———it would

mean so much to you to have me

help you & it would make Terry’s

“screening” better too. Whenever Mayo

“screening” was complete or fairly well

settled, you & I (& probably Terry) would

go for a few dreamed of moments to

Pewees Nest near Baraboo; then I’d turn

myself over to Dr Schmidt, the X-ray

Dept, AND IF NEEDS BE—even

sacrifice my entire 30 days post overseas

leave to get my belly fixed on a Wis.

Gen’l operating room table where

sincere, decent, capable, trustworthy, &

confidence-inspiring doctors AND nurses are.


I have described this all, dearest, because

someday whether it be 1945 or 1946, I

know God will let me get this belly

back to Wisconsin General/Home/A

Sincere & Trustworthy “World.”

Before I forget———I havent

had a letter in days & days. From the

existant facts & possibilities I have

a 80 + % chance of never receiving any

of your letters [& snaps—damnit!][17] sent

in the past 3 weeks. Thus hold all

letters until I give you a truly definite


Ad lib:—Remember back at Harrington’s

& Lovell GH all that “queer” vomiting, salivation,

dipphagic [sic] bolus, Xraying, etc? That was

all just the “screw-ball,” bizzare, & weird

start (?) of:—“The Damnedest, Wierdest & Most

Difficult Things Happen To a Doctor & His.”


during combat days & truly useful War Days

I was sincere, conscientious, & stuck-

it-out-to-the last-need-of me.

I believe that pages 1 to 7 prove this

in God’s eyes, your eyes, infact anybodys

eyes [except a Regular Army pair of (shit) eyes.][18] ! Emily, from last night at 9PM


& on, I am going to devote my entire

efforts & time to getting this belly back

to Wis. Gen’l which hand-in-hand

means back to you & back to Terry.

Just another further impetus to “pitch”

for “Us” & this belly is that deceitful,

deceptive, “Jap” trickery they hood-

winked us into signing about

“staying in the Armed Service for the

duration of the present emergency” (rep).

(I wrote this all twice—did you get it?)

[Now….“-duration…present emergency…” may be 2, 3 or 4 Y E A R S!][19]

Anyway, when the time presents itself

(I dont imagine it will be for several weeks

yet) I am going to turn myself in

to the “Medical Chain”. I just f know

that along the “Chain” there will be

dozens of chicken-shit Inadequates

who will try to practice knot tying

inside my belly. Please pray c̅ me

that my slurring insults right into

their faces will not be too “unpolitical”

so that they spitefully stop all progress

for me along the “Chain.” THEY SHALL

NOT SLIT MY BELLY and if God only

keeps on helping me I could go for


6 years, let alone 6 months, “beating-these-

episodes” as I have the past year.

It would be silly for me to say

to you:—“Now don’t worry, Em”! All I

can say is that I dont really worry

anymore because of my “Beat-It Routine,”

but Lordieee how I ache to bring this

damnable biznezz to an end by

good surgery. And also, God has kept

me from complete irrevocable obstruction

for a year now & I feel sure He will

continue to do so. What is so hard

to rationalize/“see” at this very moment,

is why He “tantalized” me with 3

ship’s gang planks & then shattered

each one as I practically “stepped” onto

  1. He has a reason—I just wish

I could “see” it, for peace-of-minds

sake. Thus, this is the 2nd time in

3 months I write you about these

“un-see-able” things that (to me sitting

in Europe) are seemingly in the same

category (tho not as great as) the “un-see-

ableness” of why He took Clarice—

the “blow” it makes to each of Us as


to Our Clarice, our Usness, our Terry,

& my abdomen-et al. As “Foreward”

says, dear, the way of Faith {in God in Life’s breaks in Life’s bad breaks[20]

is not easy; we must choose it; for

it will not choose us.

These happenings are all so recent

I dont know what to say about the

future. The only “rumor” at the present

moment is I (we) will be sent back

up into France (& or) Germany to

M D R P s (remember?, dear, Med Dept Replacement Pools)

for the 3rd & 7th Armies. It is such as

this (a settled) spot from which I will

start my campa[ig]n through the “Medical

Chain” to get this belly home.

Well, dearest, you now (as of this letter)

share c̅ me all my thoughts & hopes—

the only one you didn’t “share” (who’d wanna!)

was the “abdominal-part.” Dearest,

if you feel cheated by my with-holding

this from you—all I can ask you

for is forgiveness. You can see though,

can’t you dear, that for 8+ months it

was a “shelved-issue” that would

do no good for two people to fret about.


For the next 2+ months things were / so

hopefully [& progressively][21] shaping up

for verbal non-written explaination

that I just post-poned the discussion.

Sooooo, now you can help me

ask God in prayer to get this belly home.

Oh! dearest, how I’ve pleaded & begged [to God][22]

not to have Army surgery. My plea

for this is equaled only by my plea

to be able to say

All my love is yours,


9 Sept 45

48 hours later – Sunday:— Oh, dearest, I just finished

re-(100x)-reading all the cut-out parts from your

letter over the past year that I guard & treasure in

my bill-fold’s pocket (P.S. I even have it chained, dog tag chain, to

my pants). I dont really know whether the rereading

helped or not—I guess it did help on a 51% basis.

I guess God is helping in this “frame of mind deal”

for me. At least here’s one way to look at it—as I

wrote long ago, “Peace Must Be Worked For Even Harder Than War”!

& if this rotting around Europe (just for physical/numerical

force factor) is a measure/a-work-for Peace, —so

be it! It certainly is a wasteful means to accomplish

an end. Why! darlin’, I havent earned 2 grains of salt

in twelve (XII) (12) weeks—then multiply this by

tens-of-thousands, via other sit-sit-sit doctors, & you

have millions of patient-hours wasted. Anyhooooo, just

as today’s “Foreward” puts it—“There must be someone [even

if it is a wasteful sit-sit-sit number of someones][23] willing to

absorb in himself the shock of struggle - - - - -AND sacrifice.”

Thats what hurts ‘n aches ‘n tears so much Em—its


not me but Y-O-U & T-E-R-R-Y who are really

sacrificing. You two need a Pappy; you two need a

husband; & above all, you dearest need/deserve H-E-L-P

after this whole year—this help-concept is what

galls-burns-“screams” me most! It is a damn,

low-grade, lousely [sic] satisfaction but at least I can

contribute a stinkie Help of $250-$300 a month. Damn

poor “consolation,” I calls it!

Traffic is so crowded (really bungled/mismanaged)

that the R.T.O. (pardon me Railroad Transportation Office) can[not] get

us out of there till Tues (Sept 11th) nights train from

Marseille to Paris. Then there’s a “sweat” to get that last 5 hrs

journey from Paris to Rheims; & another hours (bungeled)

itine[r]ary to get from [(REP.)][24] Rheims out to AAC c̅ its 813th Hosp (another M.D.R.P.)

Center set off to one side of that huge 25 square mile project.

Each day evidence points more ‘n more to a total

outright loss of at least 3 weeks worth of your swell

letters you have written [to say nothing of loveable snaps!][25].

Try this darlin:—“rep.” important points in a summarizing

manner from about Aug 18th to the date you receive this). De[s]pite

no A.P.O.[26] known as yet airmail it:-813th Hosp Center-Oise

Intermediate Section – Paris → Rheims, France & see if it makes it.

Send only this one dear. I ache so to hear from you Two Prec[ious] Guys who have


[1] In original, “OUR” is written above “the.”

[2] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[3] In original, “common place” is written above “2nd nature.”

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] Bracketed text is part of original.

[6] China Burma India. CBI was the US military designation for this area during the war.

[7] Bracketed text is part of original.

[8] Bracketed text is part of original.

[9] In original, “common place” is written above “2nd nature.”

[10] Bracketed text is part of original.

[11] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[12] Bracketed text inserted into carbon copy of original (310.231.1-15.2017) with a caret below the line.

[13] In original, “Power Grabbing” is written above “Dynasty Creating.”

[14] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[15] Their infant son.

[16] Bracketed text written above “leave” in original.

[17] Bracketed text is part of original.

[18] Bracketed text inserted into carbon copy of original (310.231.1-15.2017) with a caret.

[19] Bracketed text written between the lines, in carbon copy of original (310.231.1-15.2017).

[20] In original, “in God” is written above “in Life’s breaks,” which is written above “in Life’s bad breaks.”

[21] Bracketed text is part of original.

[22] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[23] Bracketed text is part of original.

[24] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[25] Bracketed text is part of original.

[26] Army Post Office.

[27] All my love.



Wilsey, David B., MD, “Carbon copy of "News of Dr. Wilsey's abdominal obstruction needing surgery" with additional notes,” The Wilsey Collection, accessed May 16, 2024,

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