September 10, 1944

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310.4.1-3.2016 Transcription

3:30 PM 10 Sept 44

Oh, Dearest –––

It was so so good

to ta[lk] to you a few minutes ago.

Worth every cent of $4,000,003.00!! Just

to say –––– I love you so, means

so much!

Speaking of moneys worth ––––

maybe it was worth it for two

points more. (1) You probably couldn’t

have left for Boston (shopping?) Tues

noon had we not talked, or if you

had gone (shopping?) we really

would have been messed up on

meeting each other as to where &

when & what station. Gosh, I

might have even stayed on a

route bound for Worster → Ayer → etc.

So, just to reconfirm –––

even if the NY, NH & H wont trade

the ticket to ride simply Bos

New York → Boston, I will pay for a


NY→ Boston myself which SHOULD BE




(Fran hurridly told me she thought

it pulled into Boston’s Old South

Station but you had better check this

point). Oh, yes, just to be all inclusive,

dear, don’t you wait around any

Boston RR station longer than 1AM to

2 AM but instead drive back home.

For example ––– these So[uth] Car[olina] ticket

agents are so unthorough & do

everything from memory–––just

suppose he was wrong here at the

Columbia station that an NY-NH & H

pulled NY → Boston @ 7PM; also that

they probably would swap my ticket;

[or] let alone that I can get from

the Penn RR Station (NY) to Grand

Central (NY) in time enough to argue

a ticket swap & catch a train all in 45 minutes. So, dearest, dont

you inconvenience yourself as

I could always hichhike (or bus-train)


out to Leominster in the wee hours.

(2) Also on your way to Boston Tues

afternoon you could stop at the

Devens[1] ration board & pick up the

Devens → Bismarck gas coupons. Other-

wise Id have to wait until 8:15AM

(or later) on Wed in order to get


[P.S. Ho! Ho! this whole long ¶ c̅[2] #1 & #2 seems

sorta silly if the mail snafu’s & you don’t

get this before you start out for Boston.][3]

Accordingly, I better quit

pretty soon so as to get this

started as soon as it can start

on a Sunday’s collection.


P.S. this is supposed to be it (; Lv. Columbia 1:20 AM [Tues][5], AR

NY 6:15 PM (hurry like Hell from Grand Cent Stat to Penn Stat

to catch) a LV 7:00 PM train AR Boston 11:50 PM.

To explain further—I was just horribly

lucky to be granted a 12 day leave; even Majors

are getting 10 days or less. However a 12 day leave is

chronologically 13 days-minus-2-minutes. I sign

out one minute after midnight on Monday. I

will catch a train 1 hr & 19 minutes after I sign

out which is darn lucky. Coming back I must


sign in 1 minute before midnight on Sunday Sept

24th. Just to be frank as well as newsy—

if I fail to sign in (as above) I am AWOL &

AWOL under our present circumstances is


(Article of War #28) (Click?)



[1] An Army fort in Massachusetts.

[2] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] All my love.

[5] Bracketed text written above AM, with an arrow pointing to it, in original.