Unknown, 1944

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310.6.1-3.2016 Transcription

BRYANT LITH CO ATLANTA [top right corner]

[lithograph print of the Piedmont Hotel] Piedmont Hotel

450 ROOMS 450 Baths


silly! isn’t it?

↑ 8:30 airline time

↓ 9:30 Atlanta time

My dearest,

This has been a pretty tedious

day—my main hope about it

all is that you received my Chicago

tourgram & my Atlanta tourgram.

Im a wee way I fear that the

Atlanta operator might have “snafued”

this last Atlanta Telegram a bit. [Guess

the secret reason I fear the Atlanta one is that

I “quietly” told you I was at the Piedmont & thot that

you might splurge money to let me know you

were fine & that Thumper[1] was thumping even

harder — anyhooo, its silly of me to expect

you to spend unnecessary money. But — I love

you so it would seem awfully awfully nice to

read 10 words about you.][2]

I see that my 6th word above is

“tedious” — yup! kinda sorta so.

Aside from 1 ½ hrs late into Chicago (after

2 hours late out of Bis[marck]) it was revealed that

7 days ago Eastern Airlines changed their

schedule. This meant there was no


E.A.L. plane out at all at 9:10 AM as Bis.

thought their was, & instead it was an

11:30 AM flight. All this is fine (in view

of 1 ½ hrs late into Chicago) BUT it eventuates

in missing the Delta Airlines flight

from there to Columbia. Thus we must

wait until 8:00 A.M. tomorrow to fly out

of here for the last 1 hr & 23 minutes of

traveling. All this airplane stuff c̅[3] its

uncertainties, [illegible deletion] & shiftings is

a wee bit tedious but the main

tediousness was how I felt physically

from Chicago to Atlanta. Now, dont laugh

dear, I was not really air sick (nausea)

but certainly had one Hell-of-a malaise.

From Bis to Chicago I felt just swell

& there were as many bumps in the

sky as out of Chicago but for some

reason I began to feel like Hell all over.

Three service men on the plain actually

were nauseated & vomited, but mine

was different — just rotten all over.

The stewardess revealed that we were

flying into some bizzare type of cold

wave onthrust & thus “air-physiology”

was appreciably altered. I dunno! —

guess over & above any “air-physiology,” I

was affected by just poor food, poor sleep,

etc prior to getting on any plane.


BRYANT LITH CO ATLANTA [top right corner]

[lithograph print of the Piedmont Hotel] Piedmont Hotel

450 ROOMS 450 Baths


However, I feel fine now after a decent

meal; assurance of reservation; & some

physical quietness. P.S. Also being able to

let you know I am successfully & safely thus

far in a “quietness” in itself. Guess I just

absolutely needed some quietness in my

physiology all these past days. I was certainly

“physiologically-foolish” to work the way I

did in Bismark those last 14 hours —

but I figured it was the last chance for awhile

that I would have to work for you & Thump.

Sooo, dearest, I love you very very

much & I’m sure I’ll dream of you

so nicely (& c̅ quietness) tonight.

All my love,


P.S. In Chicago at the ticket window I ran into

Capt Schultz, am on MD into the 116th Evac 2 days

after I was arrived. He is a very Christian

fellow of the older (38-40?) type from 12 yrs of

Minneapolis Practice. We are rooming together.



[1] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[4] Bracketed text written along right-hand margin in original.