March 19, 1945

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19 Mar 45 @ 8:30 PM

[1] 7th Army

[A.S. The #2 “Foreward” came—

thanks so much!][2]

Hi, dearest,

The past 3 times I have written

about the “Mess Called Moving”—its

still occurring but I am one of those

left c̅ pts who are too sick [yet operated][3] to as yet

be evacuated. However, 24 hrs from now

I’ll be sitting in a tent. Just as long as

mail service doesnt get snafued they

can sit me in a tent or cave or hole. I

feared mail would be snafued even

already but your Feb 25th’s & Mar 5th’s came

today so Im not kicking. [Might as

well explain right here—being the first time

in 3 ½ months that no really imminent

patient-responsibility has been forthcoming,

a number of us have had a little to drink;

the blended whiskey & beer have done nothing

but make me dopey-lazy—but starting

tomorrow night again we will have

serious patient responsibility back on us so

now is the time to drink if ever. But I

still am [not] going to drink any more than I

have had right as of now—thus no “binge”].[4]

Your Feb 25th’s:—Boy! you were

figuratively & “literally” a “dray-horse” this

day of moving out the east room for reception

of Weace’s furniture. I’ve heard re: the

furniture only twice before & then you

feared it was lost or snafued by a

Twin City’s truck driver’s layover. Anyhooo,


even though belated (too belated by arrival of this)

don’t wreck your dorsolumbar musculature

by “dray-horsing.” Remind me to verbally

tell you about my 3 AM “dray-horsing” after

returning from D.S. c̅ that Field Hospital

back in November 1944 after “draying” mud all day.

I shouldnt say a word about that


(not having seen it), but stretched mucous

membrane can take on a funny look &

still be nothing but mucous membrane.

Thank Beth on my behalf for the “Teeter B.”

Rep:- I was tickled pink by both batch #1 & #2

of the “teeter-buggy-snaps.”

Nope! I know nothing about either

my teething order or dates. That the [Thump’s[5]][6] uppers

were almost simultaneously errupted c̅

the lowers seems normal to my very

dim [←SONOFABITCH!][7] medical memory. Em!,

its just awful what this war does to

bodies, educational-memories, property, minds,

& lives/Lives! Ü! ! ! Anyhooo (to get “back”)

isn’t it a real coincidence that Feb 25, 1917 D

Feb 25, 1945—yousah!

What you wrote about Thump

waving-“Hi” was cute. Please send me

a cablegram when he says “Hi Jackson” or

“Hi George!”—“Whereinhell” is that ol’

man of mine—pissed-off c̅ a can

of ether someplace I suppose—whumpf!

I dont really mean to be vulgar[8]—a very common phrase

meaning—almost any disgusting-disheartening emotion.


P.S. I too, could [plagerizing you][9] almost

just cry after those cute “Firsts” of Thump’s are over

& I’ve missed them. but PLEEEEEEEZZZ

dont ever stop relating them as they mean more

than you can ever guess, even though “seen”-on-paper.”

Your Mar 5th’s:—Im pleased that the

allottment check lands every 5th. Does

the envelope bear a Chicago postmark?—

so I’ve heard. Despite what you say—

I still want you & Thump to have a Class “E”

allottment of $250. Apparently (tho not certain)

that “Captain’s-½-month” worth of money

will be paid to me. 12 days from now

will tell. [Rep.- Tell about Thumps $50 PTA[10] to go

see Arley Barnes—guess this $50 was a slow

moving type; sorta like the first one I ever sent.][11]

⋆⋆⋆→ Heavens, darlin’!, forget about cooking

things to send overseas! Even fudge

arrives mildewed. Sardines, cheeze,

anchovies, etc can really be used IF

they dont cost you points these days. I

can really use hair-lotion every so

often too, dear.

Rep.- Along time (seemingly) ago I wrote

that Doris will contact you in some way

when she lands in the U.S.A. It has been

reaffirmed by her several times since I

first wrote it. They stalled her for weeks

but I imagine she is now finally gone.

Gosh! how I wish I were home so you

could sleep over 4 ½ hours for F I V E  M O N T H S.

L O R D I E ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Its almost like it was diabolically

planned! 卐!Ü! ! ––––if your (this) letter

had arrived 24 hours sooner I could have

c̅ ease gotten transportation to go buy crystal.

Now I’m snafued for awhile, at least, altho

I should be able to get a ride back from

our new tent-town someday after a moderate

amount of finigeling.

If water were more regularly available

I could do a better job of combating that

“hair-knocking” seborrheic dermatitis. Again

your pkgs. (P.S. I’m glad coins & 7th A patch made-it-through)

Dear—your fine & sincere

attitude-reaction to the {K.C. letter Cowan inlaw etc}[12] is

just another reason why I will be so

Godsendly-“blessed” to come home to a girl

like you. Again (c̅ you) I saw why couldn’t

some of those KC guys have tiped-me-off

so 3 years could have been converted to

3 (or less) months[13] (P.S. I never knew—& few

Elkoits either—the F.B.I. predecessor to Jack Daley).

[Oh! oh! the Country-Doc’s rusty “memory-wheels” just

creaked-out the only connection c̅ that FBI-family

the 42-52 yr old mother of Mr. “FBI” saw me once weekly for

syphilis-shots & though I never saw her [W. Pac.][14] railroad-husband

or her FBI {son or d.-in-law}[15] they heard of me because this woman

thought my “painless-syphilis-shots” & equitable fee were

(QUOTE) “marvelous.” This naturally is a “doctors-secret.”

They all left Elko after a residency of 8-14 weeks.][16]

Oh! oh! 3 days later


[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Bracketed text written in the upper left-hand corner of the original.

[3] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[6] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[7] Bracketed text is part of original.

[8] In the original, there is an arrow pointing from this phrase to “pissed-off,” two lines above.

[9] Bracketed text is part of original.

[10] Personal Transfer Account for sending money back home.

[11] Bracketed text is part of original.

[12] In original, “K.C. letter” is written above “Cowan inlaw,” which is written above “etc.”

[13] In the original, there is an arrow pointing from “months” to “years” on the previous line.

[14] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret. W. Pac refers to the Western Pacific.

[15] In original, “son or” is written above “d.-in-law.”

[16] Bracketed text is part of original.