March 28, 1945

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28 Mar 45 c̅[1] 7th A[rmy] 5/PM

Hi, dearest,

We’re still busy packing our tents th in

that “Mess-Called-Moving” so this wont be

more than a “quickie”—yet I want

to keep up a record of daily letters insofar as

possible. About all I have time for is

to quickly razz you.

Well—you remember that terrific

arguement we had over in the Anesthesia

Dept of the Brookings Memorial Hospital?

We were arguing for about half an hour

on the etomological origin of the every

day American phrase “OK” & here is

information about my side (in the enclosed

clipping). I contended about the generality

of all this origin (& that’s as far as I can still

go is a generality) but you kept yelling

“Where! in the 18th Century did it originate.”

“Where! in the French Naval history could

I back-it-up.” “Where! had I any historical

textbook”—where! where! where! until

I was almost ready to spank you. Now

Mrs. Wise-guy—you go make a general

“soaking” of your “Where!” c̅ novacaine;

use novocaine-inserters if you wish but

just a generality-“soaking” is all I insist

on as the apology from you. Thus when I

get home your “Wheres!” will be anesthetized

or be numbed down to a decent level

instead of that yelling-arguing type of “Where!

I do lova ya so, tho—



[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”