October 16, 1944

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Mon 16 Oct 44


This will be just a quickie note

this AM as at noon I am supposed to

get a 12 hour pass to go see Aunt

Katherine. Thus I will have little

chance to write between now & the

time classes run & the time the bus/train


Say! I was robbed! With an APO

address a soldier can send 6¢ air-

mail. Here I have sent 3 letters c̅[1]

air-mail—thus thus robbed 3X!!

Our chaplain conducted a

service at 7 PM last night (after my AM

letters information yesterday) so I finally

got to Church yesterday. Guess I

never mentioned that our Chaplain is

Methodist. Anyhooo, attending Service

was worth it as on the pamphlet

rack I found a new Bishop Brent

Day Book — thus you can forget

about getting me one or save it to

send later if this one wears out or is lost).

We sent our laundry out


Still no mail has come up from our

last post except one from you. There


is something I have always forgotten to

tell you — I realize that c̅ all

the baby-work you wouldn’t have the

chance to write every day. PLUS your

old desire/request of not writing

daily. So, after I go overseas please

don’t try to do a daily-writin’-job.

I don’t imagine I will be able to

do a daily-writin’-job either because

of fatigue, locality, occasional lack

of outgoing mail carriers. I know

all this makes for never knowing

for sure if a letter is lost — all

I can suggest is that both you & I

write any important point or question

(or answer) at least 2x (if not 3x) just

to make real sure it gets through.

This may seem (& be) sort of a nuiscance [sic]

but let’s do it on important points.

Gotta hurry to a class now,

dearest. However you know I would

like to write out 1000 times[2]

All my love,


[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] In the original, there is an arrow pointing from “times” to “All my love.”