October 4, 1944

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4 Oct 44 (Wed)


How the heck that Rochester mail

runs I cannot tell for the life of me!

I know it’s not your fault in

any possible way. However this is

what happens frequently viz. today

I received no letter; tomorrow

morning I will receive, lets say,

your Tuesday’s letter; & tomorrow

afternoon I will receive your

Monday’s letter. Oh, me! I haven’t

ever received a letter under 2+ days

& the average is 3+ days. Anyhoooo,

its all over now & we will see

how Bismarck runs. Guess the only

reason I mention all this is that

I’m a wee bit “down” right now

as I write this letter — usually

your letters “lift” me so that I

“float around” while I’m writing.

Also another reason why Im a bit “down,” I

Guess, is that I never got to bed till after

1 AM last night after the visit c̅[1] Doby & Kay.


Before I forget — Doby’s

name is really Francis. One reason

I mention this is that Kay, who

leaves in 2 days, is going to write

you all sorts of “dope” from either

Hastings, Nebraska or Elko, Nevada.

Thus Mrs Francis Fields wouldn’t

puzzle you at all if it were on an

envelope. I could write pages about

what we talked over & what we

did but Ill just summarize:—

It was a super-swell evening!!
A few rum-cakes at their (Army)

apartment; steak dinner at a

Carlton Club 10 miles west of

Columbia; & home. Those kids were

certainly swell to me — I

was / am down to my last $2 [(CALCULATED)][2] & have

been for all week long & I just

refuse to spend it as I [thus][3] always

have enough money (thereby) to call

you if it turned out that way.

Well, they paid for cokes & whiskey at


their place; a $1.75 steak and

2 rum-cokes at 65¢ apiece out at

the Carlton Club; & all I feebly

contributed was ½ the telegraph

fee (30¢) to let Clyde know at

his P.O.E[4] that Doby & I had met

eachother & hoped to hook-up c̅

his crowd. That we all three

might be together is not too

“long-shot” a possibility but it

probably will not materialize.

Here’s hopin’! — geeeeeee!

Again, tonight for 1 to 2 hours

I am being the recipient of

financial-kindness. I asked Lt.

Gillespie if I would have a

chance to talk to his wife (just [here][5] visiting)

for a few minutes before she left.

He said sure, why didnt we all

eat together tonight. Well! what

could I do but explain that I

could not eat out because of

a financial mix-up occasioned


By my whole Sept check going to

A Dakota Bank. [P.S. I have learned I was ill advised.][6] He sa[id], “Aw forget

It—be my guest! “Well, those

kids don’t have any more (or less)

money than we have. BUT, I do

so want to get a mother’s

words/reactions/experiences about

a congenital heart that so as to

pass them on to you, that I

swollowed my pride & thanked

him a lot. If I am frank, I must

confess that because of your Rochester money

juggeling + my Ft. Jackson experiences, I have

progressively gotten more aggravated each day

c̅ Dad for being so dogmatic about my

not converting war bonds. Maybe this is

misdirected blame, but I don’t believe so.

Anyhooooo, I was just to darned tired in

Bismarck to argue & rationalize c̅ him.

Friday night brings up another

financial demand. They (the Ridgewood

Country Club) is charging the exorbitant

price of $4.00 for that final officers-

get-together dinner. If no money

has come by then I will just have


to borrow $5 from somebody.

Em, if no money has been

sent by the time you read this


please wire me money the first

thing as soon as banks open

Saturday morning. There is no other

“put.” I have already stalled

considerable buying until POE, &

I hope I don’t get “caught” by

finding things missing (as Clyde wrote Doby)

at the POE-PXes[7] are

supposed to have everything but

apparently it is partly myth.

I honestly haven’t felt like

writing any of this letter but there

is one point I have meant to

write for several days, so I may

as well write it while I

remember it. You wrote in your

letter re: “Peter,” Mary Griffin, etc that


you (QUOTE) “were sorry.” —

for having expressed / voiced yourself

in front of that bunch. Hell! I

express myself infront of any

bunch! That is what Bishop

Brent & millions of others say

we should do, can do, & (as

true Christians) must do for

His sake & His mission.

I must clean up for the

Gillespies now dear, so goooobye

until tomorrow evening.



P.S. As soon as I have some money for

parcel post I am shipping the tire

pump back as it isn’t “all around”

possible to take it c̅ me. Thanks, dear,

for all your efforts re: the pump & don’t

feel badly as I always always felt one

should be in the rear end of the car.

I could have used a car pump 2x already.

P.S. Thanks for your tourgram re: Roch → Minneapolis → Bis.

P.S. Did they ever send my wire re: Clarice on Oct. 2nd.




[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[3] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[4] Point of Embarkation.

[5] Bracketed text is written below the line.

[6] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[7] Post Exchanges, for shopping.

[8] All my love.