October 18, 1944

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Wed nite (late) 18 Oct 44

Hi, dearest,

Just got back from NYC & doing

those things I wrote about having

planned in this morning’s letter.

Call this second one sort of a “Premium-

Letter” for a very very nice ‘n swell

one that I just know will arrive

tomorrow (Thurs.).

First I did “biznez” in N.Y.C.

Then I went to Church Missons House

at 281-4th Ave (the “Hub” (Episcopalianism)

to see if I could run into any

clergy, etc that I knew, but no soap.

However, I did talk quite c̅[1]

Fr. Kelley’s former secretary who now

Practically runs the Church College

Division. She knew lots ‘n lots of

people that I knew. (She, too, has been to

Inaschool for a stay). Next I went out

to the Statue of Liberty & climbed as

high as they permit—boy! it’s really

a workout. I sent an awful swell guy a

post card from there & I hope it arrives—sure do!!


After that I saw Trinity Church &

spent a dew “private” moments c̅ a

very lovely Mother & Son “in” the same

pew c̅ me. Then I hot footed it out

to Aunt Katherine’s (I finally had contacted

her after 12 failures two days before) for a nice

dinner & reminiscence. Wonder what

tall beautiful brunette had buzzing

ears?!? Aunt K. in person sent

a telegram while I was there.

All this talk about Aunt K. makes

it almost imperative (for completeness)

that I divulge what my “biznez”

was when I first landed in NYC

today. Well, I finally located a

certain Anniversary present—I

say finally because two days before

I had run all over Hell (& NYC) trying

to locate a certain something. Well

today I was successful & when it

arrives you will see that I pretty

much had to get someone to act as

“USO Pal/Agent” to send it for me

on an appropriate date for the purpose

of appropriate arrival time. (The


secretary at 281-4th Ave could & would have

sent it on the right mailing date, but I felt

a little better about putting it into Aunt K’s hands).

Anyhooo, now that the background

has been laid I can say this—

I believe Aunt K. will err on the

side of getting it to you before that

26th. Also, (this will be puzzling until it

arrives, & then all will clarify), the part

that counts (really) deals c̅ just 2

words. Lastly, I must say that it

isn’t exactly what I would have

liked to have found (& you’ll agree) but

there is no other “source” for this

particular thing. [oh, yes, I should explain

that I joke c̅ Aunt K, & mean it, that she

“runs” a very super swell “USO” viz baths, food,

mailing service, cat naps, etc, etc][2].

Well, darlin’, when I started

to write this I didn’t feel very

tired (even tho [it’s] late) PLUS a lot of the

boys making racket in the fun of

poker games, crap games, etc (Lovely! these

1st Lts will lose almost a whole months salary on

one roll of the dice—I wonder what their wives &

babies do, because I know for sure that they have

wives & babies) but now the racket has


subside[d] some & I am begining to get

sleep. Soooo, I will now go

to bed & dream of a very kind, &

gentle, & lovely girl who will surely

“see” to it that I get to it that I get a letter that

is as lovely as she is in the

Thursdays mail. (It seems days since a letter came

—or do I say that too much & too often).

Anyhooo, to you & Thump[3]

All my love,


P.S. I always forget to point out that due to censor delay.

mail delays, etc that these common letters will

arrive in a seemingly screwy chronological sequence

after telegrams, after debarkation, after phone calls

if any, after etc, etc, etc.

P.S. Oh yes, while on this same type of discussion—it

is said that Uncle Samie is “any-wifes-best-corresp-

ondent” because anything really worth while or

pertinent [wounded, missing, etc][4] Samie writes to the

friend wife even if the soldier cant or doesn’t.

[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.