December 1, 1944

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[1] 7th Army

Evening 1 Dec 44

Back c̅ gang for good (Hooray)

Hello, dearest,

[Or maybe I should say “good-

morning, dearest — I just woke up after

sleeping like dead following my first night

on the night shift of 8PM to 8AM][2]. Anyhooo,

heres hoping I can “awaken” enough

to talk to you for a few minutes

before I go on 8PM to 8AM again,

P.S. This damn French electrical current

is so dim I can hardly see to write,

believe it or not — I’ve practically

got my face down on the paper.

Would you believe [I would not

have][3] that a hand-grenade could

go off in a soldiers pocket &

do anything but spread his guts

all over the ground? — well,

last night we did such a case,

& all it did was blow the upper-

most edge of the end of his penis

off. This all proves one thing that

becomes daily more impressed upon

one in this War — the most

major things can happen in War &

mean essentially nothing, while


the most minor things can happen

& cause death. Soooo, dear, you can

see that God has Life ↔ Death all

figured out.   

We [I say “we,” cuz I am a part of it][4]

save in this 2nd World War at least

6 or 7 out of every 10 who would have

died in the 1st World War. Some of

the things we do, (& can do, & “get by” c̅)

just amaze even us. The two general-

catagory things an anesthetist does

are: — (1) thoracic-cases would have

been all dead in 1918 & (2) when

physiology + shock is so severe as to

have a man “dead,” the anesthetist

keeps him alive until the blood &

plasma + the surgeons have done enough

fixin’ to let the patient “do” his

own physiology.

Again today I write that an Army

Post Office allegedly has moved up in

behind us fairly close — this means

[WHOOPIE][5] that I should be receiving your

8th (maybe 8th, 9th-19th) letter since overseas.

However, it may be all “hooey,” but we

surely do live from day to day via

the hope embodied in this “hooey.”   

Oh, Em, I miss you so!! I love you

& Terry[6] soooo! God surely is watchin’ you good.




[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] Bracketed text is part of original

[6] Their infant son.

December 1, 1944