December 14, 1944

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Somewhere – France

With 7th Army

14 Dec 44 @ 5PM



Boo-hoo! Hell! Boo-Hoo! Nuts!

Today, again, for the second day in a row

(believe it or not) mail came in & I received

no letter from you. Boo-hoo! AND––

Lordy! what gaps in [between][1] those letters that

did arrive––I don’t save your

letters as you already know [JUST THOSE


& thus I can’t give you off hand

detailed dates of the missing ones, but

some gaping occurred prior to Nov 9th;

then a big gap up till Nov 18th (or 17th);

then a gap till Nov 22nd; etc; etc; ad

infuriam! ! Ü ! « ! What we gonna

do, darlin? ––Just “beat-our-gums,”

I guess. Still no package; still no

first (?) set of airmail stamps; still no

––Nuts! infact––shit!

Which brings up something I should

& must tell you, Mom & Dad. (and maybe

dozens of other people). When I come home I

will almost surely embarrass you as

well as myself by just “automatically”

saying (way too frequently) the exclamation

“shit!” Its bad––yet its “good.” Bad cuz

of reasons I need not itemize. “Good”


because it has, over the course of months,

(& will be [for] many more months) a “relieving”––

expression while all the actual

sacreligious profanity is just filling

the air around me. Boy! oh boy! do

soldiers ever swear, & I mean swear––

every 3rd sentence & sometimes every

3rd word. 99% of it is sacreligious––

“de-deifying” swearing which I don’t

like. I honestly don’t imagine I

have said “goddamn,” “Jesus Christ,” &

the like over 3 times in months––

but oh boy! do I use the word “shit!”.

Yup, dear, [horrible “confession”][3] I say it real

often. Infact, I’ve embarrassed myself

more than once when I forgot nurses

were in a room behind me or sumthin’.

As I said (above), its almost “automatic”

[4] me. ––Just as “automatic” as it

is for these other guys all around me

to be saying g––d––, j––c––, g––, etc.

Soooo––––so be it––––such is

the truth. (horrible or otherwise). Guess my rationale

is this––––if I can stick to just

“shit!” while all the rest of the “de-deifying”

is literally filling the air around me

(nurses too), I’m happy & I’m sure the

good Lord is happier too. Sooo, “brace”

Mom, & Dad & yourself until I get over

  1. In a decent environment I imagine


I’ll just gradually loose my

exclaimatory expression of “shit!”.

Wounded German patients tell me

(my German has picked up/brushed-up remarkably)

that it will take us until August of

1945 to beat Germany. Well––––

Maybe, dear, if I stop my jumbled

writing c̅ this page I can enclosed [sic]

Fr. Kelley’s letter s̅[5] paper-weight-

violation. Guess I’ll do that. Soooo,

here’s hopin’ all your “gap[p]ed” letters

land sometime––––if not sometime






P.S. Another reason for stopping, is that there

is an officer’s meeting in 14 minutes. They

say the C.O. is really going to raise “Hell” &

nobody knows why. Whumpf!

[1] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[5] Medical abbreviation meaning “without.”