December 30, 1944

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[1] 7th Army

30 Dec 44

Dearest Em & Terry[2],

This letter [maybe, considered

“odd”][3] is to emphasize to you that:—


Its most clumbsy [sic] to try to put

these concepts in my mind into

written words but here’s tryin’:—

You’ll look at the enclosed

pictures. They won’t mean much

to you at a first glance—but

when you finally realize that


of making “everything-from-nothing,”

you’ll grasp one of the fundamental

things I am trying to express.

Christmas was only 9 hours

off. We had no real Xmas “atmosphere.”

Somebody “dug-up” a Frenchman

who knew where to dig-up a

Xmas tree. Enlisted men started

hammer-saw-nails. Nurses

started ‘delicate-things.” Patients

dug into good ol’ packages from


home. Docs mixed laboratory

chemicals into dyes. Others started

cutting the shinny [sic] sides of plasma

cans. Everybody scoured every

remote corner & supply-depot for

appropriate “ground-work”-materi[a]l.

Lets go to the details:—We’ll

start at the top-star of the #1 picture

that’s an inside (shinny) of a plasma

can rolled out flat & then cut

c̅ the hospital engineers  tin shears.

Next you see a balloon-like

ornament———those dozens of

Xmas-balloons are cut-off fingers

of rubber gloves blown up by mouth

[or by hypodermic needle as they slowly

lost their air][4] & tied c̅ abdominal

surgical silk. Then you dip these

balloons in 10-12 different “dyes”

made from laboratory & pharmacy

chemicals; or you make a “mush”

of plaster of paris & “frost” (like a cake)

the balloons c̅ pure white or dye-

impregnated plaster of paris. [you also

paint all appropriate & ingenious colors


onto dyed or undyed balloons c̅ a throat

swab as your “artist’s-brush”].[5] Now

take a tongue blade (seen better nearer the

bottom zone of #1 & #2 pictures). Use natural

color; total dy[e]ing; or staggered-dy[e]ing

of the whole blade—then diagonally

wind adhesive tape (thus the barber-pole effect)

& either make it more contrastingly

white c̅ p. of paris, or dye it in 10-12

different colors. On #2 you see

nearest my head, spiral like thin (one of many)

structures—that’s brilliant silvery

plasma or medicine cans cut into

long-thin-twisted-“snakes” (really pretty!)

Cotton-“snow” bedecks all over, though

not very well seen in #1 or #2. The

stick candy dug out of “Boxes From Home”

is an adjuvant. See the one of the

many cotton-“snow-men” here → #1.

His color, his adornments, are all

“ingenuities” [including the mystery “Who Stole

The Cap to the Argyrol[6] Bottle”—until you find

it being used as Mr. Snowman’s cap. P.S. We

threw the argyrol down the sink because it had no

cap—we’d never de-cap Mr. Snowman!][7]

Someplace—somebody dug up a


“military-secret” (probably caught Hell if discovered)

“icecicles” of tin-foil like material;

P.S. Maybe, brain surgeons foil—no one will ever

know! Etc; etc; etc; for pages &

pages more of good ol’ homey-Xmas-

ingenuity-by-A M E R I C A N S!

Next get all your “loose”

rations you’ve h-o-a-r-d-e-d,

& bring ‘em for Xmas presents to

eachother and for the f French

civilians who work by your side.

you have no nice wrappings, so

you turn your back while one

of your roommates digs into your

own precious [un-opened!][8] packages

from home to unwrap the pretty

papers & findings so as to put

them on the “Little-Things” pooled

for Frenchmen or your fellow workers.

[The fat[t]est-shortest doctor will act

as Santa the next morning, of course.][9]

Now how ya gonna light it??

take black-out candles & whittle them

into “Xmas-candles.” Get a belly-

surgeons flood-light-bulb & use

that in a concealed manner for


spot-lighting/”showing-off” the

tree just like on Chicago’s Gold-Coast.

When you’re done you step back

& look—yes, Em & Terry,

you look impartially & you &

all visitors agree that it is

A-C-T-U-A-L-L-Y B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!

it was all done c̅ taste & care—there is

no “slap-together” factor involved to make for

a lack of beauty or “cheap-look.” Guess you

could say it was done the heart & thus

it just couldn’t help but come out in Beauty.

Sooo, My Precious Ones, that

is very briefly (&s s̅[10] too much detail)

how Beauty and Xmas Come Out Of

Nothing in a wrecked, rotten,

stinking, sordid Europe. Exactly

where that tree stands on the floor there was

a pile of feces when we moved into this bombed

& wrecked former French hospital——they had

used the floor as a toilet!! You don’t see the broken

glass-plaster-wood splinters, & knee-high-dirt that

was taken off the floor of all rooms in this hospital

just 36 hours before we did major modern American

surgery on those same spots some time back


No letter came today, darlin’, but

its good, as I had my first chance

to write this “Ingenuity-Letter” thereby.

(Ill enclose the Rev[erend] Smiths letter for you all to read, too)

Im sorry the pictures aren’t “super”

in their shooting-developing-printing

but even there, there is lots of

American Ingenuity involved to

even have them at all. [Two (personal)

pictures are in the making that were taken outside.

I’m sorry I dont show up well on #2—the

cap-gown is because I was “posed” inbetween

giving anesthesias][11].

Here’s hoping I get a letter

tomorrow—despite the

few-&-far-between skips in your

writing each night—I think

your are doing a marvelous job

in writing as often as you

do, dearest—c̅ all you have

on your hands. Honestly!!

I’ll pray so hard for you two

Precious-American-Guys tomorrow

at an 8:30 AM Eucharist [that][12] I know

you’ll just “feel” it these 1000s of miles [away].

All my love,


P.S. Yes, (WHOOPIE!) that Episc Chaplain is

still in the vicinity. Guess I forgot to mention

that I did get to Xmas-Eucharist—God-guidedly!!!







[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] His wife and infant son, respectively.

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] Bracketed text is part of original.

[6] An antiseptic solution with various medical uses.

[7] Bracketed text is part of original.

[8] Bracketed text is part of original.

[9] Bracketed text is part of original.

[10] Medical abbreviation meaning “without.”

[11] Bracketed text is part of original.

[12] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

December 30, 1944