November 14, 1944

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Somewhere Southern France

14 Nov. 44


If I wasn’t kinda tired [a full

day of anesthesia plus doing washing all evening][1]

I’d probably be more exuberant about

4 things that happened today. As

it is, I’ll write these 4 things &

go to bed as it is already 2 hours

past my 9am bed-time [what war won’t

do to people!?!—as re: their bed time].[2]

#1:- The scarf you knit for

me was found since I wrote

last night about its loss.

Gee, I’m so darn glad! The

circumstance surrounding its

“find” by a GI are sorta suspicious

but I’m so glad to have it back

that I don’t care.

#2:- I gave the most difficult

& critical anesthesia today that

I have ever given it my life, &

it came out perfectly—so

said the surgeons & bystanders &

I concur. A poor guy some weeks

ago got a bullet through his

chest c̅[3] resultant air inside

the chest cage which collapses


the lung completely in such cases.

Then the whole inner chest cage

became infected & drained pus for

weeks. He is skin & bones &

a terrible operative-risk as well

as lousy anesthesia-risk. BUT,

it was either do one of the most

serious operations known in

Medicine to let him “live” or

operate & have him die on the

table. Sooo, Surgeon Blass

opened his whole chest up wide

(you could see the heart, major blood vessels,

etc) while I kept him both

asleep & alive by special

anesthesia techniques. He is

still living & has a good chance

of making it. It all was

phenomenal, dramatic, & gratifying

to see & be 50% of the success in

the peeling off of the pus thickened

wall that kept his lung bound

down to the size of a pancake.

#3: I got into a bath tub

HOT WATER in one of the

hotels & scrubed my head &

body for half an hour. This seems


small fry to you to you youz guys at

home probably but its so so grand

to a “field solger.”

#4:- Last—& best—I

am bef being called back to

MY GANG ON ORDERS (whoopie!)

Tomorrow morning at 8 oclock!!

Isn’t it wonderful, darlin?!?!

I so hope they never “loan” me out

again as it always hazzards

a chance of being kept. I’m

modesty, yet truth, this General

Hospital tried to “finigel” to

keep me. I did work awfully

hard from wee hours of the

morning until supper or later

each night c̅ practically no

lunch hour but I enjoyed it &

was glad to help those soldiers

as they certainly need careful

& accurate anesthesic care. I’ll

be able to rest up again now for

at least a couple days before

we push on & up. P.S. A letter of

Commendation is allegedly forthcoming but the business


of war may never let it materialize—however

that such a letter was recommended is gratifying.

After being back c̅ the gang I’ll

write more tomorrow night about

what seems to be forthcoming but

right now I’m awfully out-of-


Gosh, I am pooped—I must

close real soon—but no

matter how I feel, dearest, I

love you & Terry[4] so intensely

every minute of my waking hours

that I still just “float” and

dream and live so well for

both you two——with

All my love,



[1] Bracketed text is part of original.

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[4] Their infant son.