November 21, 1944

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Somewhere Southern France

Noon 21 Nov. 44

Back c̅[1] my gang


This probably will be a touch on the

hurried side. Anyhooo, I’m certain that

this letter will at least leave by a fairly

frequent mail-outlet — from now on it

is potentially questionable as to frequency

of mail-out let.

Gee! its so good to be “unloaned” from

that General Hospital back to my own

gang. In a separate airmail envelope

I’ll send Today [illegible deletion] the cut-up

orders that took me to the Gen’l Hosp so

you can put it in my/your 201-File-

scrap book. Also re: that Gen’l Hosp

where I worked like a dog — that

Letter of Commendation that I wrote you

about as having been recommended by that

Hosp still hasn’t come through. Probably

the “busy-ness” of War will snafu it

in the long run, but it is gratifying to

know that it was recommended for me.

[P.S. In this letter I’ll enclose that “Stars & Stripes” newspaper

clipping (for a 2nd time) legalizing Terry’s[2] wearing of a

ribbon c̅ one bronze star.][3]

I’m so thankful that I’ve heard 5x from you — from now on it will

be slow.

The past 2 days I wrote you silliness

(one worded a bit different than the other but being

actually identical) & I hope they aren’t lost.

(Your letter c̅ airmail stamps looks as if

it was lost). From now on, my dearest,

its the rock-bottom McCoy & though I

may be too exhausted to write on an almost


nightly schedule [(as in the past 2 wks)][4] please know that I’m

living & praying every minute for such

unbelievably precious ones as you & Terry.

Whatever God has lined-up for me is

just 100% swell c̅ me — all I pray is

that he HELPS AND KEEPS you both

extra-special-nice until I can come back

to H help Him do it.

All my love & prayers for you both,


[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Their infant son.

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.