November 19, 1944

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Somewhere in So. France

A.M. 19 Nov. 44

Back c̅[1] my gang

My dearest,

I haven’t written you for the

last two nights; you will see why &

forgive me I know.

I found Dobie Fella in France!!!

The coincidence & weirdness of it all is

a fascinating story but Im afraid I

have only time enough to tell it in breif.

[Gee, I hope I have time to write this letter

Decently as it may be some time before

I have another chance to drop letters into

a fairly rapid mail-outlet][2]. Back to

Dobie — pure coincidence made it

that we had a half day “breather” in the

anesthesia-mad-house. [Censored

words]. On returning, I happened to

“choose” a vehicle 9most coincidentally)

that had as its (hitch-hike) driver a

soldier who knew vaguely that Dobie’s

gang had pulled into Southern France.

Just about dark we pulled up to where

we almost knocked Dobie down as he

stood in a mess line. I’ll leave the

surprises-joys-& conversation up to your

imagination. Chances of seeing Clyde

are “transporta[t]ionally” poor for both of us.

Dobie came to my place c̅ me for 3

hours. — this was all on Friday night.


On Sat. morning I capitalized on another

partial anesthesia “breather” & hitch hiked

to visit Dobie again for 1 hour [Someday

you’ll die to hear about the weirdness & “hazzards”

of hitchhiking in France][3]. The main reason

I stuck-my-neck-out to see Dobie again

was that his outfit has established an

outlet for Expeditionary Force Messages

[“canned”-phrases-via-wireless & Western Union

for only 60 ¢][4], & I gave him one “canned”

E.FM. to send off immediately & a second

one to send off to you in a few days

hence. Lordy! Dearest, I feel so badly

that they are holding up mail to our

Precious Ones at home while we get

letters from you — why! when I got

back here to my postal sargent I had

received your 5th letter written on Nov 5th.

Gee! your letters are not only a supreme

joy because they are letters-from-home

but mainly because they are so

beautiful in thought-word-&-“deed”[Church][5].

Dearest! dearest! if I could only express on

paper my feelings that are exactly the same

as yours — & you do it so beautifully!

To go back — maybe now you will

hear from me even though even though it

is only “canned”-writing, but just pretend

I spoke every word of it softly into your

ear as I held you tightly, darlin’.


The next “jubilance,” chronologically,

was that I became “unloaned” from

that General Hospital back to my own

gang. What an unexpressable relief!!!

Gee! Whoopie! Hooray! However — this

time I am again going to be “loaned”

elsewhere but many of the gang will be

c̅ me this time — this again creates

some trepidations as to future busting-up

but the odds are more in our favor of

reunion than during that first “loan-out”

to that General Hospital that I went through.

Gee, dearest, I hope this all won’t make

the mail-outlet to you too lousey, tho

I’m sure it will “lousify” it somewhat.

Boy! how I can coin words this morning! – huh?!

Your mail to me is going to be lousey via via being separated from the

main gang. Speaking of letters from home —

I almost forgot about that one from

Dave McGee. He says that Nancy McGee

was married c̅ full pomp & splendor —

which even included Bishop Alden

Mire along c̅ Reverend Lorenzo Court to

perform a eucharistic ceremony just

like we had when we were married.

Now to answer your two letters

that came since I last had a decent

chance to write. The Nov. 3rd one in

which da Dad included his 2 pages

surely told me some cute & pride-causing

things about Terry[6] — [QUOTE][7] “The sparkle


of intelligence — yes, intelligence, — that is

in those baby eyes is really something

to marvel at & make parents thankful

indeed” [UNQUOTE][8]. See, dearest! — remember

what I wrote you once about Terry

someday shaming his Olympic-training

brother & sister into doin’ a little bit of

studying? Gee! I wish you could be

making another super-swell sister Clarice

for Terry while I’m gone. Gee! Golly! Umm!

I was so very very happy to read what

you wrote about Terry letting you get

your first good nights sleep. Im real

thankful that you gave me the main

details about your visit to Doctor Brandt.

Did he use electric cauterization, chemical

cauterization, or heat (red hot metal heat)

cauterization of your cervix? Yup, Dextri-

Maltose #3 is used in constipated babies,

but you [it][9] can’t exactly be worded/thought of

as you worded it, that — D.-M.#3 be

“substituted” for lactic acid. Lastly, the reason

[I imagine][10] that you haven’t gotten that

governmental V-mail change of address

that we signed as a blank (as to data), is

that we still are not permanently enough

assigned/attached to warrant our final

APO[11] address or cablegram address. P.S. On those

EFM’s[12] I gave Dobie I just didn’t have a cable address to

Put onto just those blank’s space where it goes.


Now to your Nov. 5th letter —

don’t you ever worry about me being [QUOTE

you][13] “bored” reading any letter from you,

even if they were stacked a mile high.

So far the good Lord has been just swell

to me by not letting them pile up, but has

sent through 5 in a nice spaced sequence.

I almost split my sides to learn how

foxie Thump[14] is on voiding into his eye.

My only other reaction about what you wrote

was — Gosh! if I could only be c̅ My

precious to help her through those million

& one little things that “happen” to every

baby. Dearest, I’ve flailed against this

unfairness of War a thousand times as

regards us. (I realize millions of others are like us too).

[EYES OFF MOTHER: — Terry, so help me, I

Promised and threatened to spank your

Mother if she did not stuff you with

Vitamins ‘n such while I was gone.

Honestly, Terry, Professors of Pediatrics say

your taste-buds aren’t very discriminatory

at an early age & you should be “educatable”

to “bad” (?) tasting stuff. Please, please, help her!][15]

I have one more paragraph to

write as a closure for this letter but

before [I write it][16] I want to emphasize (& sorta reiterate)

a point regarding the immediate

future: — Please, please, dearest, don’t

worry if there is a break in my letters

for a little while to come. A rapid


mail-outlet may not be available for

awhile. However, there is just as good a

possibility that there will be a rapid

mail-outlet — but as viewed from

here there is no knowing.

Darlin’ — we both spend a

lot of time dreaming; you over formula

mixing or the feeding of that super-

swell baby you made inside you. —

I do it walking to or from operating rooms,

or during an anesthesia when a patient is

all “stabalized” & needs little watching.

Please, dear, don’t believe those people who

say such dreams are not good for one, as

their niceness alone is sooo helpful,

soooo normal/proper. [I’ll tell you just th of

my dream-about-meeting-you — I hope you & Terry

are not at a R.R. station but at home, someplace][17]. Oh!

dearest, you are so right that our

first year of married life was pretty

childish but God did it that way to

make us ultimately the better for it —

& make us more appreciative as we

become more mature. you are so sooo

My Everything, Dearly beloved, —

for Sunday-Monday-& Always c̅ —

All my love,


[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] Bracketed text is part of original.

[6] Their infant son.

[7] Bracketed text is part of original.

[8] Bracketed text is part of original.

[9] Bracketed text is written above crossed-out word in original.

[10] Bracketed text is part of original.

[11] Army Post Office.

[12] Expeditionary Force Messages, with numbers corresponding to messages for quick correspondence.

[13] Bracketed text is part of original.

[14] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[15] Bracketed text is part of original.

[16] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[17] Bracketed text is part of original.