November 26, 1944

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Somewhere — France

26 Nov 44

Back c̅[1] my gang

(after 2 “loan-outs”)


mail for

some days

now, but it’s


due to moves

& probably shiftings

of APO[2] numbers.][3]


Oh what a worthless day I

have put in — whittled

on a piece of Algerian briar wood

to make a pipe like 10 or so other

guys are doing [but my knife is so dull

it will be weeks before the pipe is finished][4].

Anyhooo, maybe after days of real

“business” (“busy-ness”) to just do

nothing makes me feel so shiftless-

worthless-dopey. I felt just like

a drugged dumpy moron sitting

on a bump making shavings c̅

a pocket knife. Oh, me!

Anyhooo, I sure, sure, sure do

love you, darlin’. (even if I am a dumpy ol

moron). It seems I cant think

of anything else to write except

I love ya, I love ya! But — I

fetches you love one certain

moron anyway, dontcha?—I betcha!

Don’t tell little ol’ Thump[5] that his

Pop sat on a bump all day —

will ya, huh?!!? — cuz he


loves me even if you don’t — see!

Lordy! I just read this over &

it seems I’m writing as if I had

half a snoot full of French wine.

So help me, I swear I havent had

a drop of nuthin.’

The main reason for this letter

anyhooo, is that I want to “handle’

by airmail as well as V-mail,

that I just wrote — the fact

that we are permitted to say we

are c̅ the 7th Army. AND, our

fairly permanent (& new) APO is


Oh yes, I did do something

constructive today. — I washed

towels, socks, & nurmi [sic] shirts

real pretty like. I heated lots

of water in those goofy shaped

French tin pitchers & had even

3 rinses (yup – THREE!) in warm

water. Boy! am I in plutocratic

surroundings today (but not for long).

[I just read this over][6] You’d think

it was childish-glee or childish-


values to exclaim about 3 rinses

of warm water for ones washing

but really those little goofy things

can mean so much over here. Also

when I said “plutocratic” surroundings

I imagine you & 99% of the American

girls would have a hissy over

this “joint” I’m housed in but

we think its kinda hot stuff.

[even though Ill swear every building in France

is just permiated c̅ a dirty-dusty-dirt that

is absoloutely unremovable][7].

I answered Alice McGee’s, Bill

Faber’s, & Mrs Green’s letter via one

of those GI-Vmail-Xmas cards. A

similar type I sent to Mom & Dad

although there was more writin’

room on the other type. On Mom &

Dad’s I wrote that I was terribly

sorry about never being able to [split infinitive again!][8]

as yet get a connection c̅ those

PX[9]-mail-order-Xmas present set

ups. — that doubly goes for

you & Terry. Gosh, dear, I don’t

know what to do — I’ll be

damned if Ill pay those soldier-

sucker-prices the French racket


onto us. P.S. Anyhooo, was a good Pappy

way back in the first place, by allotting most all

my money to Mommy & Thump — huh? — aint it!

Guess what I’m trying to say is

that I’ve doled out no sucker money

to these Frenchmen for (fairly) worthless

presents/souvenirs to send home.

And — I don’t have it in my pockets to dole.

Lordy! one guy spent 30 bucks

& all he had was junk — just

what you folks in America would

call junk. But —— this all

doesn’t help my predicament of

Xmas shopping any. Do you

suppose you should buy yourself,

Terry, Mom & Dad something for me,

or wait until I can find

something of equitable value

(even if it does arrive after Dec 25th).

Gee! golly! gosh! dear, you decide,

will ya please, huh?

Say! did you know that

Fels-Naptha soap is the 3rd most

wonderful thing in the world —

yup! 1st & 2nd are you & Terry &

3rd comes Fels-Naptha! can you swipe

some from Mom, huh?, maybe? [LABEL][10] → H-i-N-T.

Lordy! I better stop all this —

but — gee I love you, dear. Dave

[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Army Post Office.

[3] Bracketed text written in the upper left-hand corner of the page.

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[6] Bracketed text is part of original.

[7] Bracketed text is part of original.

[8] Bracketed text written in the margin next to “able to.”

[9] Post Exchange for shopping.

[10] Bracketed text is part of original.