April 10, 1945

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[1] 7th Army 12 Apr 45 10 AM



I’m still “really-pissed-off”—by this I dont

mean to be vulgar, but it is so accurate an expression

to an Army man that there seems to be just no other

“expressive” way of saying it. [Maybe you never got my other

letter using the same expression].[2] Anyhooo, you would probably

combine a lot of other expressions to arrive at this

particular “status” viz. a “mood” (as you use to describe in Elko-days)

+ lousey psyche + “blue” + psychodynamisms off kilter +

“in-the-dumps” + etc + etc. I still probably wouldnt

be writing [guess its 3 days I havent written, now][3] if it wasn’t

that I realized you might start to worry by a

prolo[ng]ed “gaposis.” None of this “P---ed-offness” is due

to “gaposis” in your letters event though the Lord

knows I havent heard from you in seeming ages—

infact, my “status” is due to [I guess][4] about 4 factors

averaging 25% each:—25% due to “Family { “bickering” smallness”[5] [we

have all lived so close, so tight, so strained, so “mad-housish” for just

long enough th in this “small-town” (figuratively & literally) that we all

get on eachothers nerves];[6] 25% due to a more stark realization

(always [was][7] well realized) re: the enclosed CBI[8] clipping [note it is

a Germany edition of “S.O.S.”];[9] 25% due to disheartenment re: The Whole

of that Aunt K business (I spent all of my free time over 2 days to

write that 7 page letter)—disheartened that these “Messes”

seemingly-must occur & no decent (written-word O N L Y)[10] way of

straightening them out. [P.S. One thing I didnt include in

those 7 pages is: How, when, where had I ever even been

told the actual/point-blank facts about her financial

status—so help me!—I HAD NOT BEEN TOLD—

& even so, & even if so, it wouldnt have altered the

truthful facts in that 7 page letter.];[11] & lastly 25% due to


what might be summarized as “Confin[e]d-ness”—

here we are c̅in a space of 250 square yards & if we

leave it we are not only going against directives but

we are truly in [a] “hated-environment.” They glare

at us; we glare at them; & our 250 sq. yards is the

only place you feel comfortable-wanted-free—&

250 sq. yards gets to be boring & “de-psychifying.”

Before I forget—I mailed Terry’s nice, boyish,

[blue][12] silky, “equitable” wool sweater the other day.

Also of the having-been-done catagory—I “mailed”

a $35 P.T.A.[13] today to you for 2 pair of Summer shoes—

I know you like ‘em lots so go buy 2 pair of the

good-$12.50-type A M E R I C A N [God bless her!][14] shoes you

can find. It’ll make me feel better to know that

at least you can have some individuality & choice &

wish-fullfillment outa this present day World.

I sound like a psychopath, dont I?—3 days running might

classify me as a psychopath, huh?? 3 days solid of being “P---ed off.”

The enclosed clipping speaks for itself. The

wooden “Südbayern” is like a convention tag you wear

to tell where you’re from at a big gathering [Guess that

certain architecture is “diagnostic” of Southern (Süd) Bavaria (Bayern)].[15]

The German bill is worth two whole bucks—to

Hell c̅ the trouble of converting it in an underhanded

manner into Military Govt Marks as is much done.

The bent coin c̅ [alcoholized-thoroughly][16] blood on it is one

of 9 coins the Nazi doctors left driven into the inside

of a 5 year-French-prisoner’s thigh resulting in

horrible osteo-like stinking, draining, infection, &

non-union of the fracture—most of all however

is the fact that it “signifies” the anesthesia-emergency

of the guy being dead on the table preoperatively during

anesthesia-induction as the result of an understandable

mismanagement by one of our anesthesia nurses working

in conjunction c̅ one of our anesthesia enlisted men (anyhoooo,


its just such happenings {actual or imminent}[17] that keep an MD anesthetist-

in-charge in a continuous state of grey-hair-production.)

The last 2 pages of a Bull Bulletin may or may not

strike you as really “fine” {poetry & presentation[18]—guess it all

depends on the mood one is in as it is read.

[After Supper—served 4:30PM][19]

No mail from you—for another time. No

fault of yours but it still leaves my “3-day-status”

not appreciably changed.

As [rep’d][20] before, if I dont hear from you I dont

feel Ive gotten mail at all. Thus, Henrietta Dickinsons

note today doesnt “phase” me much. She’s in the

59th Evac as a M.D.D. (guess it means Medical Dept Dietitian).

She passed me 2 days ago; I passed her 9 days ago; & not

until 36 hrs ago via a letter from Mrs Kelley did she

know I was in the 116th. Hell! In Jan-Feb we were

“spiting-distance,” & for 18 days I taught the nurse

anesthetist of the 59th (on D.S to us c̅ 2 MDs & 3 E.M.s) how

to do intratracheal anesthesias. Small world c̅

lotsa mixed-up-Messes, huh?!?

Here’s hopin’ you feel better than I do—

Ill try not to let 3 days elapse again in writing

you—just because of a “Status.” I ‘spect

mail the past weeks has arrived pretty poorly at

710-4th St & the way the war is running it probably

wont improve until this mad chase after the Nazi’s

slows down. You see we’re never “settled” long

enough to have either {incoming or outgoing}[21] mail channels get

decent. Anyhoooo, have Terry[22] kiss ya for me & “ahhh”

out———Ahhhhll myahhh lahhhve,



[16 Apr 45—before bed @ 8:30 AM][23]

Lordieeeeee! dear—compare dates & you can

get a rough idea of how we are chasing the Krauts[24]

& how 100%-unsettled we are. Why! Ive carried

this for an unbelievable (warfare) number of miles

s̅[25] the chance to mail it, inside Krautland.[26]

[Just quickly][27] I sorta felt-for-you on Fri 13th, 1945

when I learned of Roosevelt[28] dying. At that moment

we were certainly far from anyone on a high crest

of half-mountainous Nature—sortof Awesome

Nature. Its hard to describe my feelings but the

hugeness of World-Death-Geography-Life all “swooped”

at once in an awesome/horrible/yet beautiful

manner in one massive gulp, at me. He was a

fine Churchman—he lived his Churchmanship

(Christianity) far more fully than most politi[c]ians are

permitted/able/capable of living it. Not until 2 days

later did I learn he died at Warm Springs[29], & I then

had an odd “thankful-glow” that he could be where

he would probably have chosen to die—this too,

is hard to express.

We had an awfully hard night (& I write this

on clumbsy boxes near the MailBox) so Id better stop

c̅ all my Life/all my Prayers/& all my desires to

you two who are

All my love,


[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] In original, “’bickering’” is written above “smallness.’”

[6] Bracketed text is part of original.

[7] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[8] China Burma India. CBI was the US military designation for this area during the war.

[9] Bracketed text is part of original.

[10] In original, “O N L Y” is written below “written-word.”

[11] Bracketed text is part of original.

[12] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[13] Personal Transfer Account for sending money back home.

[14] Bracketed text is part of original.

[15] Bracketed text is part of original.

[16] Bracketed text is part of original.

[17] In original, “actual” is written above “or,” which is written above “imminent.”

[18] In original, “poetry” is written above “&,” which is written above “presentation.”

[19] Bracketed text is part of original.

[20] Bracketed text is part of original.

[21] In original, “incoming” is written above “or,” which is written above “outgoing.”

[22] Their infant son.

[23] Bracketed text is part of original.

[24] Germans.

[25] Medical abbreviation meaning “without.”

[26] Germany.

[27] Bracketed text is part of original.

[28] Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), 32nd President of the USA. Died April 12, 1945.

[29] A town and institute in Georgia with naturally therapeutic waters. FDR went here to help treat his polio.