April 6, 1945

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6 Apr 45 c̅[1] 7th Army 5 PM

My Precious,

Not only because yesterday was “Thursday,” but because

of my “personal-life” [scared?][2] I didn’t take the little

daylight free time I had to write you an After 5th letter.

About the only thing in my “personal-life” is a certain

“house”/”set-up”/arrangement I build. [This will seem silly, maybe,

to you but it is “important-like” to a field-foot-soljer].[3] For some

weeks I have carried (dragged along behind me like a tail)

a white painted board 5 feet high, the width of an Army cot,

& made of ply-boarding which makes for unbelievable

strength as con[t]rasted to its weight & flimbsy (sp?)

appearance. I rummage out 3 small flat boards

to set my cot legs on at each new place we move

  1. Always we are on soft ground it seems, & this time

we are on a figurative & literal morass where the

inside-tent ground just “squooches” water like a

wet sponge each time you step on it [No wonder Army

wont take anybody c̅ the slightest tuberculosis history].[4] Well, I take

this white board & nail or screw it upright at the

head of my cot. This then acts as a hanging-wall to

hand all my posessions—thus keeping them dry,

orderly, rapidly available, & (psychologically) affords the

one last semblance of neatness that I have left possible

in the world. For over 3 days I didn’t have daylight,

time or lack of fatigue to construct my “home”/”set-up”/arrange-

ment so I just took those few daylight hours during

a Thursday’s-shift-to-nights to “build” it. Now I feel

sorta snug-smug-&-“settled” again. But, it “cost” you

a letter. P.S. Anyhooo, the letter never would have gone out I found

out first, so you’ll not be “gyped” in the end as now tonight Ill

write twice as much c̅ my better psyche due to having my “home” back.

P.P.S. Also—this “wall” at the head makes for sort of a protection/wind

break/”warmness” when these damn winds just about tear the place down].[5]


I’m going to tell you something that you’ll say is

both exaggeration as well as “soft soap”:—Many times a

day (EACH DAY) I think of/bless you for the scarf you knit.

Its impossible to enum[er]ate the ramifications—you can guess

at least a dozen & add (1) tent sleeping use c̅ it wound 2X (  high)

around my neck like all Frenchmen have done for centuries

(except they “wear” nothing to bed besides a neckscarf & some say always

a “female hot water bottle”—in other words, p.j.s rarely exist in France)

(2) After a few & far between hair cut[s] you just “freeze” where

the long hair useta keep ya warm-like; sooo, just wind

Em’s scarf higher—see? (3) etc (4) etc (5) wear it along c̅ a gown

in the O.R. which, when it is a tent OR, is as cold as an

ice box during a night duty shift of OR work (6) etc (7) etc.

(8) On the cold ocean trip over c̅ ocean damp penitration (9) etc etc

Soooo, your scarf—has been an absoloutely integral

part of my daily life for months. See?—you blessed Lug?!

Often Ive not had the time to write “side-lights”—

just one of which is Army/warfare slogans. You know

many as they are as applicable (& used) back home as overseas.

However, do ya know viz:—“Golden Gate In ‘48”! (for us

“youngsters-like” the 116th who figure we must finish CBI[6]).

“Home Alive in ’45!” (for old timers who feel they wont have to

go to CBI). Etc. Etc. Interesting, huh?

Maybe tonight I’ll have my first decent chance to

wrap safely Terry’s sweater [rep][7] that I bought in France

yet will mail from Germany. Maybe one of the reasons

why I havent sent it out too is that I purrr so when

I get it out & feel of it/& look at it. Sorta is a circuitous

way of “having-him-here” (‘cuz after all I can just “see”-feel him

inside of it as soon as it gets there). Maybe my mind’s-eye

measuring judgement is all cock-eyed but he should

just about fit it by the time it gets there. [Rep][8] I’m still


purrie over its boyishness, blueness, (part) silkiness, sportiness,

& even tonight [just now][9] I think he will love the design-

c̅in-the-knitting of it [& also the equitableness of its price: value therein

ratio—my first in France]![10]

Everyplace we have stayed/stopped at for a length

of time that can be called worthwhile, I have picture

postcards. I hope I never have to give them up, or that

they get lost via some fatefull accident. I hope to

perpetuate this idea of picture cards from “worthwhile-

stoppings-places,” but hostile Germany is going to be difficult.

Just today (but probably old-stuff to you) we learned

that the Russians openly state they will not renew their

non-aggression pact c̅ Japan. What a sigh of relief! Now,

if they’ll just declare (& perform) actual war against

Japan———I’ll see you so much sooner than

you & I ever even dared dream of, dearest. Lets pray

the Russians will do it. [Also, a minor point, now Etousa[11] can

zip right into C.B.I. s̅[12] that damnable draggie ocean traveling

which most all of us dread & dislike—sure! I got sea-sick

as Hell—in case I never worded it as such, on a rougher

than maritimly-average Atlantic ocean—Hell! more than one

(not me however) never got their head off their bunk pillows until

we got into the “placid” (?) Mediteranian [sic] the last 1½-2 days out].[13]

[Rep: in different way][14] The way Congressman [Socialist][15] J.B. Belk

has been writing Dakota servicemen about bonus, bonus,

bonus makes us guys sick! Well, if Dad or Lorenzo or

anybody sees that Congressman personally, tell him not

only to pee [yes! piss][16] on the “P” of his “payment” (as in slipping) but to

go freeze his “P” c̅ novocaine-insterted [sic] solution. See? !Ü«!!

The way this German (on the soil thereof) war is handling

Evacs we dont got into big cities or even little cities,

but pitch our tents on outskirts (1-3 miles). We feel safer &

also like it better—the towns are just torn to a

shambles by artillery (or bombing) & it would be no pleasure

to live in them anyway. Maybe if I hurry I can wrap Terry’s[17]

sweater. I love you both so, de[a]rest. Dave

[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] Bracketed text is part of original.

[6] China Burma India. CBI was the US military designation for this area during the war.

[7] Bracketed text is part of original.

[8] Bracketed text is part of original.

[9] Bracketed text is part of original.

[10] Bracketed text is part of original.

[11] European Theater of Operations, US Army.

[12] Medical abbreviation meaning “without.”

[13] Bracketed text is part of original.

[14] Bracketed text is part of original.

[15] Bracketed text is part of original.

[16] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret. Brackets are original.

[17] Their infant son.