April 17, 1945

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With 7th Army 17 Apr 45 - 6 PM


My Precious,

This seems good—to be able

to write you 2 days in a row after horrible

“gaposis” that couldnt be prevented.

Anyhooo, we’re back [AGAIN!][1] into that

101% “mad-housish”-holocaust of War wounded.

It is said that this time we are the only Evac

within a hundred miles—& I believe you

can figure out how many wounded guys that

sends our “channel”/way. Also we seem to

be pitched-in-tents for life—I dont

imagine we will ever get back into buildings.

When I’m home ask me about how the

RAF goes & does their bombing. Also ask me about

one of the most fa[s]cinating cases I ever did viz.

a bullet in the abdomen → liver → diaphragm →

pericardium → thru the heart → into the media-

stinum → & lodged in the undersurface of the

sternum. [He made it!][2] I gave him 2 quarts of blood back

out of his own chest. (hemothorax). Also ask how Piper “Cub” planes

“scout” incessantly {day & night.[3]

The Chaplain has perogative to dispense his

vehicle (jeep) for “morale-purposes” per Army Regulations—

so he dispensed his jeep trying to find the

mail center (7th APO[4]) yesterday & after much chasing

found its newly advanced foreward-section about

50 miles away c̅[5] the news—“come back Wed”

(tomorrow)—so here’s hoping. [Rep][6] I surely regret


that there will (some week in the future) be an

awful “gaposis” in the Bis[marck] mailmans service

due to my being unable to write in recent days (9-11).

[Rep][7] I hope that 7 page-2 days-in-the-writing

letter about Aunt K. doesnt get lost as I just

do not have the time [or energy][8] to repeat it all over

again. I’ve sent a 1 Mark note (10¢) in 2 different letters;

an old fashioned $2 Mark note; a bent bloody German coin

c̅ its fascinating story; “poems”; 3 playing cards;

convention lapel-label; surrender leaflet; etc; etc.

Heres a duplication of the cards (yet “faces” a bit different);


I may be wrong—but I believe our only

cercease (sp?) from this (page #1) 101%-holocaust will be

The Wars End. Each day it seems possible; it

is possible; & it should have been already if those

insane fools, so badly beaten, had only sense

enough to give up. Hell! we are even operating on

“the-bottom-of-the-barrell” (15 & 16 yr old soldiers!).

So many of the Krauts[9] have soggy-tissues due to

a nutritional (hypoproteinemia) edema—Lordie!

Say! do you know I am closer to Checkoslovakia (sp?)

right now, than I am to France————its

unbelievable! [& gosh, it seems I “go” farther away from you all

the time, the farther we chase across Germany—maybe

pretty be soon it will seem Im “closer” via the “San F-route-

distance” rather than the “NY-route-distance”—GOSH!][10]

Gotta hurry to work darlin’—I love ya

loads n’ heaps n’ piles n’ ALL—

My love,



[This message is written on an advertisement for Allen Edmonds leather shoes.]


Rep:- Here are the shoes I bought at the end

of my 8 day convoying-(materiel)-trip at that

Staging Area’s Px.[11] I also post-war-stockpiled

a second Shick electric razor for only $8.

The cost was $6.86—in the

States they are of the

$15-Class. I surely

“leaned” toward a


shoe, but I knew

this was your choice

Remember[12] how hard I (we) tried to get this

one as you liked it so well.

[1] Bracketed text is part of original.

[2] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[3] In original, “day &” is written above “night.”

[4] Army Post Office.

[5] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[6] Bracketed text is part of original.

[7] Bracketed text is part of original.

[8] Bracketed text is part of original.

[9] Germans.

[10] Bracketed text is part of original.

[11] Post Exchange, for shopping.

[12] In original, there is a two-way arrow pointing from “Remember” to “’Jodox,’” the style of the shoe described and pictured in the advertisement