April 28, 1945

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Somewhere else yet again–Germany

28 Apr. 45 With 7th Army 9 P.M.




I have the most awful {unrest dissatisfaction annoyance “something”}[1] for a

number of months that I’ve never written about—

though maybe you have “seen”/sensed it in my letters.

Even though I try to write it here—it still just

defies concrete expression in a letter. I suppose, really,

it is a composite of many things almost too innumerable

to mention—& certainly too boresome to you to

mention all contributing minutiae. One you have

heard a number of times:- the Prussian(ism)—

Jew(diasim) MD anesthetist I work with. He is a

very hansome [“society”][2] personable, non-Jew-looking fellow c̅[3]

a marked German accent. Overtly—even 99%

of all things—we would be observed to “get-

along-just-fine”—but underneath we just

do not “get-along” at all. If anesthesia & military

ramifications are not involved in some particular

phase of our lives [we even live together][4] we get along

really pretty swell—but let those 2 factors

enter & we are automatically at “hidden”/subtle

swords-points. For example, both he & I will give

eachother the “shirt-off-our-backs” [Just trying so hard

to be nice to eachother][5] such as food, gadgets, presents,

carrying heavy loads, loaning sorta “treasured” posessions,

use of eachothers daily-life-conveniences—yet

anesthesiology ↔ military ramifications just “freeze”

each of us against the other in a “silence”/unspoken

way—that only every so often flares into

verbal words. Peculiarly we never “fight” very hard


or very long at those times when we do verbally-flare.

Oh Hell—Ive written a whole page & still havent

expressed 1/100th of the situation.

Also———maybe War as War is getting

a little bit on my nerves—I dunno, maybe.

Also———maybe I’m getting to my ropes

end of this practicing anesthesiology in a mass-

wholesale-rush-multiple manner which just

has always “grated” my beliefs/feelings of doing

one case well, thoroughly, & carefully at a time—

instead of spliting your watchful eye between

7 anesthetics at once while actually conducting

2 (or 3) anesthesias.

Also—maybe Im just fed-up c̅ a

regime in this Life called militarism which

will let 4 such incompitent, unqualified, mentally

inferior people as [the][6] “Heads” of the 4 main divisions of this

organization, run-rule-“guide” the lives of 280 some

people. [Say! did you read Hayek’s article in Apr’s R.D.—it

says a mouthful!][7].

Also—maybe militarism’s suppression of

everybody’s (ME TOO!) individualism has just about

got me to a “fed-up-ropes-end.”

Also—maybe I resent/puzzle/flail/

“dispise”/deplore/”trepidate” a vague & indescribable

Slipping-Of-Confidence which I always seemed (at least)

to have so much of. It (The Confidence) was one of my

main-stays— s̅[8] it [I] have such an {unrest uneasiness annoyance dissatisfaction something[9]

Maybe I just need something such as

You/Peace/Home/Love to restore-regrasp it.

All my love,



[1] In original, the words are written in a vertical stack, with “unrest” at the top, and “something” at the bottom.”

[2] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[3] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] Bracketed text is part of original.

[6] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[7] Bracketed text is part of original.

[8] Medical abbreviation meaning “without.”

[9] In original, the words are written in a vertical stack, with “unrest” at the top, and “something” at the bottom.