April 29, 1945

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Somewhere else yet again–Germany

With 7th Army 29 Apr 45 @ 9 PM



Two letters from you broke what seemed a

horrible “gaposis.” Since my mind is a kinda

“blank” I’ll jump right into answerin’ them—“blank”

except for I love you! I love you! soooo! s 100,000,000,000!

Your Apr. 6th’s:- I let Chet read the first

paragraph about you so speedily sending his

girl’s field jacket onward & he was like a pleased

& appreciative little-boy. Thank you, for both of us,

very much, dearest.

You 4th-pkg-in-4 wks sounds nice, dear—

geeeeee if they’d only come! Which reminds me, also—

in todays mail the hair Rx made-it-through.

That makes 2 I have received [overseas].[1] I got a kick

out of your writings to “Mr. Pilferer, (Inc.).” Gosh,

how I wish some Noxema would arrive. (P.S. You

should by now have a “cheeze-V-mail”—whatinhell

kind of V-mail is that, sez the censor!Ü!★!).

Your paragraph about “The Plaguing, Et al”

expresses your & my—OUR MUTUAL—understanding

of {it eachother.[2] Dearest, your reactions/responses/

reasoning/etc {are is}[3] all so normal-fine-understandable

that you should not use the word “ashamed” [on your part].

You spoke about having become more nervous &

hope it goes before I get home. Darlin’, dont you worry

a bit if it hasnt by the time I come home. When I

read this it struck in me a peculiar philosophical sum-

mary or (summarizing philosophy):—We each, as millions


abroad and Home will Carry “wounds” (or wounds) Home c̅[4]

  1. For you [it][5] will be “A Nervousness” (lets call it) that you will

carry into our New Home: for me it will be “A Lessened

Confidance” (/Decision-Ability/Decision Fearsomeness). [I wrote

about this, poorly, in several letters—it bother, annoys,

“heckles,” or something me so][6]. Neither this {Nervous Confidance[7]

Factors are good for our New Home but I just know

we can help eachother—cuz we’ll need to; we’ll

love to; & we should. I so wait & long for the

day we can start this helping of eachother. AND—

I bet God will subtily have Terry[8] help you & me, too.

Please dont fret about the photo paper problem

darlin’. Especially since (rep 2X or 3X) that first batch

arrived in 15 (or 16) days. Probably send it all that

way, dear, & it will save you a lot of worry & work.

Im tickled that you outrightly acknowledged

word-novacainization was possible in your Apr 6ths

& then in your other (Apr 13ths) letter (that came today too)

you had done it twice c̅ success & understanding.


Pleeeez, darlin’, send Anesth. questions

soon. I want them soooo. Ill tell you what-

the night this arrives, let your “letter” to me be

nothing but a paragraph of Anesth questions. The

letter writing time, you see, will be used up fereting

out the journals & the pages.

[30 Apr 45][9] ← Lordieee!→ [10:30PM][10] I know you’ll forgive

me for seeing part of a show—our first in weeks.

Ill add Alice’s letter to make this “decent”—& finish

your Apr 6ths & 13ths tomorrow. WAR COULD END ANY HOUR—it

could make closer—All our love,


[1] Bracketed text inserted into original with caret.

[2] In original, “it” is written above “eachother.”

[3] In original, “are” is written above “is.”

[4] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[5] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[6] Bracketed text is part of original.

[7] In original, “Nervous” is written above “Confidance.”

[8] Their infant son.

[9] Bracketed text is part of original.

[10] Bracketed text is part of original.

April 29, 1945