April 16, 1945

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310.141.1-3.2016 Transcription


[1] 7th Army 16 Apr 45 at 6 PM


Hi dearest,

It almost seems strange to be able to have

a decent chance to write you. Lordie! as I wrote

in my Apr 12th & (next) Apr 16th (addendum) this A.M. Ive

had no decent chance to write. Thus, I guess, from

Apr 9th till today I wrote you only twice—Lordie!

Before I forget so many things—when

I’m home ask me:—(1) About the German city where

the civilians bore arms against Americans & how

they called in the Air Corps to pulverize (or affect) every

house & building in this town bigger than Bis[marck].[2]

(2) The proof of appauling abnormality of P.O.W. treatment

even to pillage of Red Cross nutrition which is

all that have kept many thousands alive.

(3) Re: bed-check-Charlie[3] & his flares (4) Re: this

move to where we are really ahead. (5) How Radio Sally

the [Axis][4] phantom radio-announcer-girl told the 116th Evac

where we were going on this jump. (6) How Ive

passed up so many chances to pillage—as

GIs do in a fairly mild manner for useful

things—yet I have a sphygmom[a]no[me]ter[5] “carriable”

sterilizer GIVEN ME BY a doc who did pillage a

sidetracked surgical supply train. (The only twinge

I’ve had is when I see some of these swell combined

radio-phonograph “loots” the guys have—I think

of how you would love them.)

P.S. In the (combined) Apr {12th 16th}[6] letter I mailed this AM I sent a

lota junk—however I hope it arrives. Just incase my

other letter c̅ German Mil. Govt money didnt arrive heres another Mark.


Gee, just now on a pillaged radio I hear, for the first time in months: “DEARLY



When Doctor Cile Sprenger did her post graduate

European work at Frankfurt-On-Main she use to relate

how all her research was on guinea-pigs—to

bad she cant be here [in Europe][7] again & now to do novacaine

injection research experiments on the (actual) swine!

(guinea-“pigs”) that this Stars & Stripes[8] writes about.

[P.S. However it sounds to me like writer Peter Furst is dishing

out a bit of isolated finding re: Germany & Germans).

(Reps:—) (1) Terry’s[9] nice, blue, boyish, silky, “equitable”

(financially) jacket-sweater was mailed (2) I “sent” you

2 pair of $12.50 summer shoes via a $25 P.T.A.[10] the other

day. (3) All forewards have arrived, I believe but

no Noxema, Arrid, etc box I so want (4) I V-mailed

you for that Madison cheeze (5) Three [of your][11] letters which

are supposed to be “misunderstanding-pitfallers” (potential)

have never as yet come—P.S. I sent 7 pages

that took all my time over 2 days to write re: the Aunt K. mess.

Again, we’ve moved so far (militarily speaking) that

mail just hasn’t come in ages [seemingly][12] & there’s

not too much hope for awhile yet, either—GOSH!

The thing that bothers me most is out-going, as I

know you must be experiencing terrific-“gaposis.”

This paragraph is “hazzardous” & only very sketchy

& Ill give details when home but———SO



ACTIONS FOR DECADES. Honest, Em, its true on at

least a percentage basis—& that is one thing

Germans/Nazis (especially) have haranged upon since

  1. Truth will “stick” (in the end) & sine since this

English-harang[ue] was [& is][13] true, it “stuck” to help make

Nazism arise. Gotta go to work, dearest. AML,[14] Dave

[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Wilsey is probably referring to a bombing that was part of “Operation Clarion,” an Allied strategic bombing campaign in February 1945 that killed many civilians across Germany.

[3] The name given to lone Japanese (in the Pacific) or German (in Europe) planes that flew over Allied areas to disturb Allied soldiers or dropped bombs or flares to lead Axis ground forces to Allied campgrounds.

[4] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[5] A blood pressure monitor.

[6] In original, “12th” is written above “16th.”

[7] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[8] A US Military newspaper.

[9] Their infant son.

[10] Personal Transfer Account for sending money back home.

[11] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[12] Bracketed text is part of original.

[13] Bracketed text is part of original.

[14] All my love.