April 27, 1945

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Somewhere else yet again–Germany

With 7th Army 27 Apr 45 3PM



I never did yet “threaten” you real good about

sumthin’—the way you’ll know I’m back

in the United States (someday) is by an acute FRESH milk

shortage progressing from a seacoast on a direct bee-line

to North Dakota; then, Bismarck will undergo an

acute shortage like it has never seen before! 6 months

& 20 hours ago I had my last taste of fresh milk

[Europe’s cattle are full of TB, Ba[r]q’s, etc, so I’d never chance it] just

before embarkation, & BOY! have I a lot to make-up-

for. Goshhhhhh! (P.S. The 6 mos & 20 hrs (above) is really

another way of “reping” what I wrote yesterday about now having

had an “Anniversary”—6 months ago last night I stepped off the

soil of Beloved USA—“Anniversary” [the 6 months-type] which

visably manifests itself visably by a gold left sleeve-stripe.)

Each day I’m sorta-kinda in more of a quandry.

Lots of the guys are getting hordes of Nazi dress

swords, (impractical) sidearms, & bayonets each day &

tote them around till they can send or sell ‘em to

somebody. I just cannot make up my mind to

“jump-into-the-puddle” of collecting/(pillaging-looting)

or not. Thus far I havent pillaged a single thing—

though I have a few Kraut[1] medical items that have

an anesthesia practicality, GIVEN ME by other guys

who did pillage captured hospital trains or ware-

houses. Sooo, maybe I’m just as guilty for

accepting them as if I had done it myself—yet

maybe not as “guilty.” However, I can say—



American soldiers “looting”-“pillaging” is of the “innocent”

boyish-Huckleberry Finn type—not that vicious

murderous, sadistic, heinous type done by Nazis’

over Europe → Russia → Africa. [Oh yes—when I’m home

please remind me to tell you what at least certain Americans

can “have-in-their-veins”—what 3 nurses & 2 sgts of our

outfit did one night at Rattlesdorf (our last place) to disgrace

themselves, the Nursing Profession, the 116th Evac, & the Army][2].

As reped the past two nights, give me your

impression of that marriage of Emily Belkott (which surely

will end in a divorce split-up) to Doctor Sprengeringen. Dont

be bashful, dear! Silly, huh?

After 3 to 5 days s̅[3] making a (long) trip to the

7th Army PO, our mail sgt finally “took-off” today. (Being nearer)

Gee, how I hope he brings letters———let alone

your pkg (or packages) that must be in Europe someplace.

Oh dearest! E-V-E-R-Y letter I write you I

want to just fill it c̅[4] I love you – I love you – soooo,

but that would get “boresome” & unnewsie. Anyhooo,

it is so truly my feelings! every moment of my

Life/“Life” every single second, darlin’. Geeee, how

I miss-adore-love-L I V E you & Terry.[5]

[MUCH LATER][6] No mail—no decent physical or

circumstantial to “talk” more c̅ you, darlin——

even though I’d like pages ‘n pages more to

tell you how much I love ya c̅———





[1] German.

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Medical abbreviation meaning “without.”

[4] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[5] Their infant son.

[6] Bracketed text is part of original.