June 11, 1945

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Bad Mergentheim, Germany

11 June 45


Still!—the mail service isn’t

straightened out. Golly, I felt fairly sure one

of your letters would get through today (a dull,

dank, ½ raining day).

Before I forget—we, the 116th Evac,

got a letter Letter of Commendation out of that

Dachau deal. It’s good to know that at least

someone in this here Army didnt think

Dachau was a-bed-of-roses.

As I look back over the months I can

think of at least 2 dissapointments:—(1) Never

being able to gets back to Bacarat after knowing

you’d like some of that crystal. (Which reminds me

that Doby even had crystal engraved/itched for Kay & all but 5 pieces

broke after being merely slapped back in the box after P.O. inspection).

[Which also reminds me—(thinking of Doby) did you know

Clyde was given a Silver Star, which really is a worthwhile

award in this maze of Army awards, for (QUOTE) “- - - -brilliant

& heroic personal bravery & action in the Ardennens “Buldge”- - - -.[”]

Geee I was proud for him when I learned it.][1] (2) Not getting to Bergtes-

gaden. Maybe I better “rep” some things as I haven’t

done it in a long time:—(1) The scrumptous

Wisconsin cheeze did come. (2) In one week, back

at Dachau, I got 3 of your swell boxes; two of which

conveyed that grand cheeze that Mom & Dad SHOULD

NOT have sacrificed. (3) Ages ago I mailed the Income

Tax blank to Fargo. (4) Your lovely Anniversary


Letter arrived. (5) We have a good [or fairly good][2] chance

of being redeployed through the States instead of

direct CBI[3] & we might (PRAISE GOD IF TRUE!) see

eachother (Aug 15) AUG 30 (Sept 10)—lets

“brace” ourselves though, dearest, incase something

crashes our dream down (into the Mediteranian).

Ad lib:- At least the Anesth. Board is inquiring about me—

they wrote the Chf. of Surg for a statement about me. He doesn’t “love” me 100% (86%)

(6) 2 reasonably recent & 2 less recent batches of

snaps of Thump[4]—you & Thump—Thump & Dad have

made-it-through. (7) You have a arrow-head-appearing

ornate perfume vial centuries old out of a

Lohenhoe [a family][5] Castle (8) You have 2 fairly decent

head scarfs from the ancient, walled, & one of

Europe’s oldest cities, Rothe[n]berg. (9) Thump has a

good Germany “Honer” mouth organ which will

cause you to brain me if he ever learns to blow

it hard (P.S. I’ll “steal” it away from him). Ad lib:- Please, darlin’,

dont feel you have to rant on paper about Dachau—I know

you “see” & know it for what it was & that’s all I care—

all I ask is that you “instill” it into as many thousands others

as you can—till maybe we can get millions to “see” it!

(10) Dachau “liberations”[6] have all been sent except

the 2 electro 16 mm F1.5 cameras that I convey

personally—thus someday, over the next 6-10 (?)

months (yes! months) you should receive 8 (or 9) cardboard

containers & one chest high wooden container. You can

refer to the cardboard ones as:—“the 2 plasma boxes

arrived”; “the 2 Goodyear inner-tube boxes made it through”;

“the two waterproof intraventous-bottle boxes”; “the one

overseas shipper box I sent you came back;” or some such scheme.

All loot [my! my!][7] is split-up/divided between the 9 (or 10).


(11) Lately I have been luckier on picture post cards

& have quite a few from different places & sites.

(12) Around 10 snaps of Dachau atrocities & me

standing in Italy have been “dribbled” into

my recent letters. (13) I still dont know whether

I’ll ever be able to get to {London→ sneak to see Hans[8] [or] Paris→ sneak to see Hans;[9]

they are only granting very few (1 or 2) at a time

& my number (via lottery) is 27th on the list!

(14) to #(141,414,141,415) I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, SOOOO!

Though you never say too much about

it, Em, I know absoloutely how that Precious

Terror Terry makes you exhausted, at your wits

end, & s̅[10] time to yourself———every

minute of your life. What you have done

for him is beyond any verbal or written

expression—it’s incongruous to thank

you for the marvelous care, help, & judgement

you have given him. I just wish there was

some [TRULY][11] expressive way I could tell you what

it means to me—& what it means to

Terry both {past & future.[12] Guess only one indirect way

of [feeble][13] expression is to say:—God has

been so good to give you to Terry & me—

all we can do about it for the {war months & babyhood yrs}[14] to

come is so wholeheartedly give you every bit


All Our Love,


[1] Bracketed text is part of original.

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] China Burma India. CBI was the US military designation for this area during the war.

[4] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[5] Bracketed text is part of original.

[6] Looted objects.

[7] Bracketed text is part of original.

[8] Hans Gerritsen, a Dutch paratrooper Wilsey became friends with while liberating Dachau.

[9] In original, “London→ sneak to see Hans” is written above “Paris→ sneak to see Hans.”

[10] Medical abbreviation meaning “without.”

[11] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[12] In original, “past” is written above “&,” which is written above “future.”

[13] Bracketed text is part of original.

[14] In original, “war months” is written above “&,” which is written above “babyhood yrs.”