Unknown, 1945

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310.179.1-2.2017 Transcription


[Loose pages – potentially the end of 310.165.]


Your Apr 23rd’s:- had in it the

2nd batch of swell snaps. When I see

kiddies & mothers I too could scream

my way home.

Your Apr 24th’s:-[thankfully][1] brought

2 stamps. (1) That is a “low-low” etiology

for Thump[2] having so many teeth so fast.

Setch a science, this Medicine! (2) You

speak often of Thump’s this-or-that being

like his Pop. I’m afraid even that

way be “works-at” things so vigorously

is my “blame.” (3) This is the first

time that you ever wrote about Cile’s

“RC-godmotherhood” factor. I wonder.

(4) Scientifically—diet chances

that promote or inhibit constipation

usually always require 23+ hours or 2-3 days

to “manifest” themselves. The intestinal

bacterial flora doesnt change/alter any

more rapidly than that, dear. (5) DONT


Thumps arm got swollen & red from

“Perdipegen.” (Rep) Get his small pox

“over” too cuz it will not even be

a drop-in-the-bucket re: “reaction.”


Your Apr 26th’s:- is the latest &

last letter I have unanswered. Thanks

for the 2 airmails, dear. (1) Even though

there is a “catch-it-for-boys” on his

toilet seat, you just notice how

many times baby boys can “beat” that

gadget. Wheeeeee! (2) Say! what

makes you think [in so many letters][3] that

you’ll roll on or hurt that Tough Egg

when you take him into bed c̅[4]

you—Hell, Schmatzie, you’re

laboring under a delusion. Didnt

his ol’ kerplog right smack on the

noggin convince ya?!—& even

so I’ll bet you wouldn’t roll in the

first place—see? (3) Yup! ya

now see! that Clara-Lou-&-Em

hillbilly string quartet “influence”

on our son’s musical tastes. Oh, me!

Well, D.[astardly] D.[achau][5] calls again so I

gotta go to work. No mail in several

days has let me, as of this moment, get

caught-up, but here’s hopin’—‘n

prayin’ ‘n L-I-V-I-N’ c̅ Allmylove,


P.S. My! 2 flowers “enclosed” c̅ 2 horrors!

[1] Bracketed text is part of original.

[2] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[5] In original, “astardly” and “achau” are written above, and stemming from, “D.D.