June 7, 1945

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310.184.1-3.2017 Transcription

Bad Mergentheim, Germany

7 June 45 – 11 PM

[A.S- “Ich war in Bad Mergenth.”

            $     $

I    was (see enclosure)][1]


I must confesses [sic] that this absoloute 101%

idleness is causing me to slump & slack

all over—even as regards not starting

your daily letter until this hour of night.

Geee, how good it would be to get out of here

& do something—something a guy

would like to do. This sounds unappreciative

of rest doesnt it?—but me thinks

there’s a difference between rest & rotting.

Anyhoooo, some lesser thing does seem

to get “dood” each day. Today at 10AM

a bunch of us “sight-saw-ed” a castle

built in 1246 & some museum pieces.

[P.S. You, m’ love, have a thumb-end size perfume vial that

looks like an elaborate Indian arrow head—it “reeks” c̅[2] a

few centuries of age but I know you’ll only consider it an

adjuvant to its novelty—I hope          PPS Really, it has no smell.][3]

Last night I saw the old but good “Coney Island.”

Shows are about the only thing I look foreward

to each day—forthcoming.

EXCEPT, of course, the perfect “forewardness”

of seeing you. Just on vague deductions in

my last 7, 8 or 9 letters I “unconsciously” surmised

the date of Aug 15th as to when we might see


eachother. A not too wild latrine rumor just

returning from Paris if would seem to push that

Aug 15th up to Aug 30th (or Sept 10th). In a

million respects this is aggrivating & disheartening

we know, but the longer the delay, the nearer

the Japs will be to a pulverized state. We

all would far rather see ourselves “stuck” in

the States on Jap-Surrender-Day than “stuck” in

Manila (Foreign transfer takes so damn long).

Guess I better quit—a fellow

wanted me to walk to the (A.) P.O.[4] c̅ him.

I’ll write you more next time, dearest.

All my love,


P.S. A “great” time consumer has been that

I’m starting to read “Forever Amber”—

I dont exactly “approve” of the book but

it has a “golden-thread-of-plot” that

makes it worth the while.

[1] Bracketed text written in upper-left hand corner of original.

[2] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] Army Post Office.