June 8, 1945

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310.185.1-7.2017 Transcription

Bad Mergentheim, Germany

8 June 45


(RE: CLIPPING) Is it true?—that you

homefronters are “in” on a major “topic.”


An insanely drunk M.A.C. threw a chair through 3 windows & cast blame

on about 15 innocent bystanders. We were all so furious that

no one (including me) could resume what we were doing.

Lordie, darlin, [24 HOURS LATER 9 June 45][1]

In one way I’m so darn sorry I

wrote no more for a yesterdays letters—yet

in another way I’m glad because 4 absoloutely

lovely letters came to me shortly after those

(above) 2 lines & now we can really “talk”

back-‘n-forth. (P.S. It had been almost a record [bad][2]

number of days since I’d had a letter from you—due to

moving of course—& then not only to get letters!

but such swell lovely letters. Ummm).

Your May 22nd’s:— Ive tried to put on

paper a number of times just how much your

“thinking-out-lowd” about Thump[3] (such as 90% of this letter)

means/does {to & for}[4] me—but it always seems

so unexpressive of my appreciation & purring.

Dearest One, I may not see him & you &

your daily lives & happenings, but you write

so genuinely & vividly that I really do live

your two’s happenings. Honest! (even tho its queer).


Just like in 90% of this letter——I feel

so sorry (& really understanding) of what that

Indian’s antics put you through, but oh geee

do I ever purrrr & glow to know that he

is so 101% what we wanted—‘n too

I chuckle ‘n chuckle at what he “confronts”

you with, but its only a chuckle-[5]-you—

not a laugh-at-you type of thing. Honest,

dearest, I chuckle so hard just “seeing”

him “give you-da-woiks”—I know

that when you’re despairately [sic] tired “it-

aint-funny-McGee,” but I know you

love him so anyway, & probably just love

to put yourself “against” his next maneuver

when you aren’t so tired—Lord in Heaven

how I ache to “battle” c̅ that Precious Being!

I’m afraid [& apologize][6] for “endowing” him c̅ lotsa different things—

one that runs you ragged is his busy investigativeness & his

investigative business—but geee, darlin’, Im so please[d]

that he will inquire, for learning, into everything—guess thats

why I’m one of those lugs who sees [EVEN][7] minor points all the time—

& though it will “cost” lotsa troubles I still feel he will be at

least 51% (if not 91%) the-better-off-for it in a panoramic manner.

Lastly, the only thing so far I disapprove of b is

his bi[t]ing your left cheek along c̅ all the other

things he investigatively bites—DA BUM!

I gived him persific [sic] instructions to KISS your

left cheek soft & tender like [for me][8], AND he bites it! Lordieee.


Your Anniversary-Letter:— was just

lovely beyond words, dearest. I feel so inferior

that all I’ll say is I too repeat every word about

the Us-ness you wrote about.

Many times, darlin’, you write a sentence

that means so much to me—but

every so often there is a super-meaningful one.

Such is the one which I’ll just not try to

“discuss” but only make a one word addition

that I know is included therein anyway:-

you wrote “Oh my dear, try to remember there is

decency, beauty, kindliness, love, & Godliness in

the world & someday you will be back in it”!

These words just helped-to-core as they

sunk-to-the-core. The only word I (mentally)

added was “….there is decency, beauty,

kindliness, love, Godliness and FEDELITY (OF MAN

TO WIFE)…..” [This brings back the starting

point of the first two (unfinished) sentences on

page one (& the clipping).][9]. Em, Im not a ranting

Puritan preacher, a prude, a gossip-monger, or that

general vein—but oh darlin’! this

“major topic” (UNQUOTE THE NEWS HEADING) has become almost

revolting. Just to “read” that FEDELITY is

in this world was a wonderful refresher,

“rekindler,” reassurer! To look around you in


this European world daily—you’d almost

“need” someone to reconfirm the existance of

marital fedelity’s existance in the world.

I’ll not preach-a-sermon-of [Europe: Army][10] details—you know

‘em—I just say one more thing so as to

relieve myself by having talked to someone

about it:— all outfits, INCLUDING THE 116th, have

become so infedelitous it defies my adjectives

to express it. However, there were a few whom

I “believed-in” (& knew nothing to the contrary) as being

on my “Philosophical Side of the Fence”—WHEN BANG—

one whom I am closely associated c̅ used me

as a “father-confessor” for relief of his infedelity [conscience][11]

2 nights before. It sounds like an old

maid or Puritan preacher, but I was so

“shocked”/shaken/appauled that he would

do such a thing that I just couldn’t get

to sleep till 2AM. Granted! I could rationalize

all night as to “reasons” why he betrayed his

wife’s trust [liquor, war-nerves, “escape”—yes it was

“Dachau-Escape”—its psychic horror was as driving a

motive [for “escape”][12] on hundreds of Americans as much as anything][13], but I

still would like to scream at him—“you

damn fool; look what youve done; its an

irretrevable Something”!! P.S. This is all so clumbsy, but

I think you can see now why I “added” to “…decency, beauty, kindliness,

love & Godliness”—the world FEDELITY.


The only question in your letter was about

EFM’s[14]—I hope my memory is right (BUT a

Dachau-orgy memory could be a bit off) that I didn’t

send the 4th one to you that I had in mind

to send (to make quadriple-sure you would p have post-V-E

assurance). Thus the number 4 includes Mom’s

Mothers Day cablegram. AND—I still

wait (probably impatiently as regards mail’s time consumingness)

to read that you received a “….best Mother

in the world…” cablegram. Did ya, huh?

You say you (QUOTE) “received three” but was

one of them the Mother’s Day EFM. (P.S. Dad should

have received a Fathers Day E.F.M. too—I havent heard).

Let me ad lib something—just

yesterday lots of us in a bunch [(including the CO)][15] here at rest-full

Bad Mergentheim were discussing just what

Dachau-Orgy was—& it was unanimously

agreed that all we had seen/lived/experienced/

stood” before Dachau was secondary to

“standing” Dachau. You know from 7 months

of letters what we “stood”—thus if

Dachau can “obliterate” it all, think what

Dachau must have been—or another way

or wording it—that thar iz a testimonial

[indirect inference][16] regarding Dachau!


Your May 27th’s:- No dear, you are not

dumb—never wuz & never will be!

but I just couldn’t take the time or paper-

weight-space to describe each enclosure I

sent from Dachau. They are all Dachau S.S.

“products”—insignia etc which I can

give minutiae about verbally. (P.S. The S.S. just

ain’t worth another airmail stamp.) Lordieee, how I

hunted for Hummel figures (as Dachau slave-shops

did duplicate many of the Worlds known products for

resale) but I never did find any. The closest

I came were 2 statuettes [(not very good ones either)][17] (sp?) which, like so

many other U.S. reports, will probably arrive

broken. I’ve kicked my pants for not “liberating”[18]

& chancing some of that Dresden ware in those

first wild [literal][19] days at Dachau.

Thanks so much, darlin’, for a thorough

paragraph (& thorough observation) of Thumps color.

I have absolute confidence in this report—

infact, Arley Barns would not have satisfied

me better on the report. So there!

Say! if ol’ Thump just will not take,

lets say 15 minutes, to drink suck his milk,

let him slurp it in 150 seconds out of a drinking

cup, cuz he’s old enough now. [This will have been done

probably by the time this letter arrives—anyhoooo, lotsa

babies wean off bottles real soon lotsa times][20].


Sooooo, Defective—I mean, Detective (OUCH!),

you’ve “discovered” my “unconscious-habit.”

Well, well, well! We will let Thump be the next one to bring up the

facts about it—its too darn hard to write about things on paper.

(Maybe) I’ll still have a “proof”-scar to show

you on my right index finger—where the

Chief of Surg. went after it on 2 different days c̅

a scalpel. It wasnt an average/normal/

common-type of thing at all—only a

wierd Dachau bacterium could cause such

a “screw-ball” infection. Anyhooo, the

finger is filling in just fine.

Your May 28th’s:- was so nice—guess

cuz it brought 4 such good-newsie things:-

(1) I’m so pleased about our $59.53 [(you bargain-hunter, you)][21] car because

all your past “Ohhhhhhs!” were about lighter

blues. (2) That the Anniversary EFM made-it! (whadda

mess of a husbink [sic] Ive turned out to be—presents arriving in Winter;

cablegram 2 days late (it shouldn’t have [been]); no sequence; no nuthin’!).

(3) That Cile, Eacrets, Lommens all thought of us.


(boy! how I “sweat-that-one-out”—almost as much as Im

“sweating-out” seeing you (Aug 15th) AUG 30th (Sept 10th). [rep 9x, 10x][22]).

You’ll brain me, but I bought him one of those good German “Honer”

mouth-organs—she woe! she screams—but she’ll not

feel so jilted when I say I bought her 2 quite nice head scarfs

today while on a 3 hr ride to the ancient, walled, famous, & one of

Europe’s oldest cities, Rothe[n]berg, today. Anyhooo, I can get the

purrrr outa buying our swell boy something—it doesnt mean

I have to give it to him to drive you crazy blowing the reeds. Anyhooo,

I “chuckled-a-day-dream” to see the expression on his face the first time

he made it make noise by blowing. Boy!, would he ever “investigate”!

It’d be so darn cute to watch him.



[1] Bracketed text is part of original. In original, “24 HOURS LATER” is written above “9 June 45.”

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[4] In original, “to” is written above “&,” which is written above “for.”

[5] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[6] Bracketed text is part of original.

[7] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[8] Bracketed text is part of original.

[9] Bracketed text is part of original.

[10] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[11] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[12] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[13] Bracketed text is part of original.

[14] Expeditionary Force Messages, with numbers corresponding to messages for quick correspondence.

[15] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[16] Bracketed text is part of original.

[17] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[18] Looting.

[19] Bracketed text is part of original.

[20] Bracketed text is part of original.

[21] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[22] Bracketed text is part of original.