January 14, 1945

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310.85.1-3.2016 Transcription

Somewhere –France

[1] 7th Army

14 Jan 45

[(Not one airmail

came in today)][2]

[Gosh! This is my last

stamp. The mail sargent

hasn’t “clicked” c̅ the

money I gave him—as

he t[h]ought he would.][3]

Hi, darlin,

I didn’t get to writing last night;

no special reason; just didn’t get off

my dead butt. Well I did waste a

certain amount of the [very scarce][4] early

evening hours by witnessing a huge

joke (practical joke)—in brief, some

of the MAC-officers fixed up fake orders

transferring a worry-wart-MC out to

a B[attalio]n Aid Station. The whole “scene”

went over perfectly, but in a way it

was just as trajic [sic] as it was funny

to see the guys face turn ghost-white.

Those 2 insincere Majors (written 2x) would like to put me in one.

Say—did you ever receive

my letter telling how I could really use

some “Noxema” (3 of ‘em). So much

alcohol-antiseptics-handwashing really

wreck a guys hands.

Those letters from Carteret Lawrence

& D. Wilsey Skolfield just arrived via

today via 3¢ stamp after I month &

10 days. Gee, dear, aren’t you glad we

aren’t on a “40-day-beam”? The additional

money seems so worth it. However I

surely wish those 2 letters were yours.


Can you please send me

tobacco that comes in

tin cans. Send about

half an overseas-shipper full. Thanks.

Im afraid we are all getting pretty

“dull” & pretty “janglely” [sic] by the

incesantness of it all here the past 15,

17, 17 days. We aren’t complaining

its just that the incesantness of War

just kinda eats ya/wears ya-down

after awhile.

The absoloute silliness in Dad’s

V-mail has been & will be the “score”

for some time. Maybe he never told you,


Gee, but the mail service is less

adequate the longer we stay here. At

first when things could have been more

jumbled, it was better than now

when things might be expected to be

more “regular” because of established-


This letter surely demonstrates that

these days/times it takes some

marvelous stimulus such as your [on Jan 11][5]

“8-batch-letters” to pick me out of a

benumbed rut. Guess I better close

& pray for a stimulus/”lift” in tomorrows


Honestly, though darlin, I love you soooo,



[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Bracketed text written to the right of the date, along the right-hand margin.

[3] Bracketed text written in the upper-left hand corner of the original.

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] Bracketed text written in a box along the right-hand margin, next to “your.”