January 24, 1945

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310.93.1-7.2016 Transcription


[1] 7th Army

24 Jan 45 @ 8 PM

(I may have misdate last nite’s letter)


Oh, dearest,

Today has been such a swell day

that I’m “bubblin;” so hard I dont know

where to start:—

You can see that your box came!!!

Ummmm! I’m so thankful—‘n

nuthin’ pillaged. It is the APO[2]17346 box

c̅ tweezers, grand nail clipper (I tried it), forceps,

candy, milk, cigarettes (IM SORRY! as you know)


Thanks so very very much, darlin’, for

every bit of it. I can’t tell you how

relieved I am about now being able

to have some reserve of color-edged envelopes.

[Yes, I found the 5 stamps in the bottom—“tanks”].[4]

Gee! Golly! I ju could just jump c̅ glee!

Also today were 3 letters from you, EVEN

THOUGH they were O-C-T-O-B-E-R, they

were my Beloved’s. I’ll just go quickly,

as they weren’t a’ needin of much answerin’:—

(Also, Margery Hughe’s got a Jan 9th airmail to me, & U of Wis[consin]

Alumni sent a Football Letter mailed in Oct ∴ 5 all together.)

Randy is in PARIS—maybe someday!

Your Oct 24ths:- (1) Atta girl—you

weren’t “the-little-girl-who-didnt” (on that grand-bide-slam)

(2) My bridge just hasn’t been, ever since being

c̅ the 7th Army [Which circuitously reminds me—

one night recently I wrote how I was going to eat eggs &

have champagne—both never materialized].[5] (2) Ill

try to squeeze out time to send my regrets to


Duncan McGillis—it’s a shame that so

nice a lady had to have carcinomatosis. [Again!

I am circuitously reminded—I forgot to answer in

last nights letter from you again L I T H O P E D I O N—a

“calcified baby.” It wont seems [sic] so unusual to you

when you recall all the times you know of Mother

Nature throwing up a wall of calcium around

foreign bodies, tubercle bascilli, etc, etc—even the

“foreign-body” of a dead baby. Its really not rare at all.][6]

(3) I am glad about Cornelia Crail—on

paper is no reason place to discuss my hunch.

(4) NO WONDER (an Oct letter in Jan) that I kept

asking if Aunt K’s record success was complete.

Your Oct 25th’s:—[Again—twice in the

same day—whoopie!][7] I’m so relieved to find

airmail stamps. this is the second bunch,

in a letter, that ever got thru to me (5 of ‘em).

(1) Just quickly—that ancient duplicate-

letter-misunderstanding” is now laughable

(tho sad, of course). Dearest, certain things

just must happen to us before we do

“follow” eachother—& I’m now glad

that this one possibility is done-&-over-with.

(Yup! War psychology is [was][8] War psychology—re: NYC liquor.)

(Some call it “gang-plank-jitters”—but this was different

from the regular  “      “        “ .)

(2) Kilmer sending the footlocker so soon is an

Army slip according to S.O.P. (standing operative procedure)

(3) Thanks, God, for blowing the nursing bottle

the other way—ya know, dearest, every

day God blows lotsa things off the other

way all over the World; AS HE SEES BEST!

P.S. This is just a general statement.

Your Oct 29ths:—Only one thing really

prompts answerin—& its your mention

of beautiful night + my waiting to buy a gala coke +


dreaming to the Hour of Charm—Ill answer

it all via the poem “Dreaming” clipped out of

todays Stars & Stripes.[9]

Let me just ad lib [repitition][10] that I hope my

last nights letter ge makes-it-through as it has the first

snap shots + souvenir Kraut[11] stationary to act as a

Happy-Jan 26th-Anniversary present [the two add up = Present][12]


to the 3rd catagory of thing that has me bubblin’

today. As written before, I’ve been so damned

made so many times about being foiled on

getting Anniversary Presents to you—BUT

this time (I SO HOPE) I have the “upper-hand.”

Your Wedding Anniversary present for May 26th

will be mailed tomorrow morning as it

is all [fin]ished-wrapped tediously-addressed

right here beside me tonight, AND IF IT


of mail-service-time I’m gonna scream!

You know, darlin’, how much I’d like to have

it a surprise to you on May 26th but since

it may make-it-through before 26 May, I

just must tell you about it sometime

ahead of time—so why not tonight.

[Guess about all I can do is “string-her-along” on paper here for

a few sentences to act as a “Suspense Element” trans-

muted way over into the month of May—ho! ho! hum!][13]

Well———the pkg is about 14” X 20”

in size of the strongest 3-ply + 2-ply wood

you ever smashed you fist against (I tried it!)

It has all sorts of safety-measures incorporated

into the wrapping as well as the labeling

so as to keep censors out, because I know

a censor would never wrap it for its further


journey as safely/carefully as I did. As a

whole it is a pretty sizable & cumbersome

package (though thin) & it just may take

4 months to get to you. [Getting enough in

suspense—huh?!?!].[14] Well———

dearest, I wish you a very very Happy Wedding

Anniversary in the form of a French artist’s

portrait of Thump’s[15] Daddy in uniform (from

the shoulders up). There’s so much to say from

here on but I’ll summarize as briefly as is

possible. Many times over 6 weeks Ive

finigeled to get a “sitting”  c̅ this artist

& something always “snafued” it. [Remember one

time I wrote you how I had stayed up all morning after

working all night & was furious over a disappointment—

Well, he was to have drawn me that morning].[16] The

picture has real artistry in it—but, as

I sorrowfully agree c̅ you, (when you see it) he

didnt exactly “catch” me. He “did” something

to the lower lip & chin—however a

number of people in surveying it, screened

off all but the eyes & nose & feel he “caught”

that fairly well—I just don’t know!

Anyhooo, its yours darlin’, & you decide.

All in all, it does look something like

me & it is French artistry—so it

does make a worthy Anniversary Present.

The artist may someday be famous after he is

dead for 50 years—however, not so

unless his hands get better (physically), as

the Nazi labor gangs & concentration camps

have gnarled-stiffened-hardened his

hands. Carrying liters here in the hospital

go doesnt un­-gnarl hands either! Another


reason why I feel the picture is sorta

“worthy” of being a Anniversary present is that

I never did such a damn hard job in

my life—s[a]t almost motionless for hours!

(Can ya imagine Wilitzski[17] sitting motionless that long? Ho Ho)

Try it sometime & see how even one hour goes.

(Why he insists on such “motionless-ness” I dont know).

Anyhooo, I betcha it would be a cold day

in January before I ever “sit” again for artists.

You’ll have to frame the picture, dear—

I soooo hope there is no wrecking of it

enroute so that there will be something

left to frame.

Your box; your (Oct) letters; & portrait

Present are 3 of the 4 things, all in one day,

to make me happy—the fourth

thing is something that you have never

heard me say before—infact, we

Etousa[18]-“foot-soljers” never said it in the

past 5-7 days while (I’m sure) you people

in the United States were exuberant—

namely, MAYBE {we & Russians}[19] can whip these

sonofabitchin’ Nazi’s before August 1945!

If God so helps us—so will it be.

[P.S. Retrospect that as of tonight the appauling Russian drive

is 165 (to 145) miles from Berlin & has 45 Nazi Divisions almost

pocketed up in the East Prussia (Danzig Corridor) drive. ← IMPORTANT][20]

Emily, the Nazi IS the best fighting Thing (not human)

in the World BECAUSE he has it in[n]ate &

inbred & instilled into him. Ask any soldier

who has fought them all of all nations/races.

We are superior in physique, equipment,

materiel, courage & GOD’S HELP—but not

in F-I-G-H-T-I-N-G. (Can you understand


what I’m trying to tell you—show you—emphasize

to you)? Thus, the Nazi F-I-G-H-T-I-N-G factor

overrules so much of Allies’ advantages, BUT

maybe we can even crush that F-I-G-H-T

if this marvelous recent help from God (→Russ.)

continues so overwhelmingly (as regards time-zone

“stretched-out-ness” really narrow time-zone).[21] Tonight all of us in Etousa

feel better for the first time, & can dream

a little more certainly/beautifully/”actually”

of those who have—

All our love & prayers,


I express this all[22] pretty clumbsily [sic]—just read

“Foreward” for today, as I just did—Father Glen

Does a better job of getting it on paper.


[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Army Post Office.

[3] In original, “PAPER” is written above “ENV’LP’S.”

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] Bracketed text is part of original.

[6] Bracketed text is part of original.

[7] Bracketed text is part of original.

[8] Bracketed text is written above “is” in original.

[9] A US military newspaper.

[10] Bracketed text is part of original.

[11] German.

[12] Bracketed text is part of original.

[13] Bracketed text is part of original.

[14] Bracketed text is part of original.

[15] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[16] Bracketed text is part of original.

[17] Wilsey’s nickname for himself.

[18] European Theater of Operations, US Army.

[19] In original, “we” is written above “&,” which is written above “Russians.”

[20] Bracketed text is part of original.

[21] In original, “’stretched-out-ness’” is written above “really narrow time zone.”

[22] In original, there are arrows pointing from “this all” to “those who have” a few lines up.