January 21, 1945

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310.90.1-4.2016 Transcription

Somewhere –France

[1] 7th Army

21 Jan 45 @ 8:45 PM

Hi, Precious,

Today has been a better day—

namely because the constant relentless

grind of 7 days a week was [for the first time][2] broken from

9AM to 4:30PM by attending that


meeting I write about last night.

We rode for about 1½ hours to this

place where quite a few big shots

representing the 3 (above) services had

come down from Paris. The meeting

itself was nice—AND did

this organization, where it was held,

ever “splurge” a meal at us—“THE”

meal I’ve had since Abner Wheeler’s in

Framingham (P.S. and to beat Abner is sumthin’!)

Naturally not so fancy & frilly or copious,

but each item served was super


Naturally I could write pages

about the scientific part of the meeting

but all I should/will do is make

 sweeping summaries:—(1) Again, for

the “umpteenth” time I am so so

thankful that I am a Dr Waters/U of W[3]

trained man—darlin’ its just in

any Wisconsiner’s blood—& (honestly)


stands out & above so

many other schools.

(2) I could “see”/”feel”/know

that I’m a better Anesthesiologist than

I thought I was [Honest, dear, this isn’t braggin’,

its just a truthful expression that “slipped-out”].[4]

You see, [confession—but dontcha tell][5] Ive

learned so much of my Anesthesiology

by “sweating-out” the million & one

odds ‘n ends & details by myself—

Dr Waters gave us [a] good sound basis,

but not the frills-fruffs-rarities-


I have learned “the-hard-way.” Anyhoooo

at a meeting like today’s, you can sorta

evaluate yourself—in scientific-

s[i]ncerity I can say that I don’t have

to go hide-in-a-corner! [Ya know, dearest,

I never told you outright what the greatest anesthesia

in my life was or probably ever will be—

it was giving intermittant analgesia to the

two most Precious Things in this whole world

on the Lovell-OB-delivery-table—I was so

scared; yet so confident; yet so proud &

happy that I could help you a little bit

while still being scientifically protective of

little ol’ prematurely-delicate Thump[6]—gee!,

when I reminisce over it I both lose-my-breath

& “float.” I know this is pretty clumbsy

Expression, but it is always so, when one is

trying to describe Greatest Moments In Life!

Oh, Em, I love you two soooo severely-deeply-

violently that I just cannot express it!][7]


Still-yet-again, no mail or packages

from my dearest, today. When I recall

my feelings/emotions the last time this

“big-gap” happened I feel sorta silly—

remember? how I went into a “tizzy”

about just such a thing as this 2-week-

gap?!!?—I figured something

was wrong c̅ you or Terry? Not so

this time—I realize (as quoted in

“Stars & Stripes” [8]) that mail has taken a

secondary “seat” in recent times—

ordinarily mail holds a primary “seat.”

Soooo, via Gods help, I am pretty

complacent about it all.

Ill stop now, dearest, but I would

so like to be able to express on paper

my deep-severe-intense-“violent”-&-

“allness” of love for you Two Precious


[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[3] University of Wisconsin.

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] Bracketed text is part of original.

[6] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[7] Bracketed text is part of original, except for [sic].

[8] A US military newspaper.