January 22, 1945

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P.S. Shore, [sic] I forgive ya [as you say][1]

for not having started pictures sooner,

because theres nothing to forgive.

Lordy! your busy-tired-& handicapped.

The other Jan 3rd’s:—was the swell

4-pager. (1) Thanks for straightening out “Since

You Went Away.” (2) Did Dad’s cigarettes

arrive?—or tell me when they do arrive,

how stale they were. (3) I’ll now go tell

the Finance Officer (who was willing to raise

Hell) that the E.E.B. $45 was Fitzsimon’s.

(4) If, allotments ever fail to come through,

please dont think Ill fret if you tell me.

(5) Golly! if Bish. Lewis, Fr. K., & Fr. K’s secretary

come-through on my request for Lent-Forewords

maybe I’ll send you one (like me sending Dad

cigarettes). However, darlin’, don’t let up as

I gave my second copy [of Pre-Lent Fwd][2] to an eager Churchman.

(6) On my thought re: solid foods vs. constipation

I really meant more the vegitables [sic], fruits,

etc in baby-canned-foods. (7) Please forget

all about the Dec 27th letter arriving before

the Dec 26th letter, darlin’—Lordy! Ive

done such things dozens of times. (7) Did

my letter ever arrive saying how I did

finally get to Christmas Eucharist? I had

one more chance to attend a Eucharistic Service

before that outfit had to pull away from here

[3] their Episcopal Chaplain. (8) Say—you

still do read my letters to the Folks dont you,

as I wrote about once (or twice). (9) Still no pkgs.

Hasn’t my handwriting gone-to-Hell??—boy

it gets “lousier” every month.


Please send me at least

3 cans of coffee—tin

containers, if its not still rationed.

Your Jan 5th’s (the last of the 3 today—you

didnt have the chance to write on the 4th):—(1) Say

how is or isn’t dysmenorrhea since having

little ol’ Thump?[4]—I’m just curious;

nothin’ important in my mind at all.

(2) Darlin’, go to every play (as c̅ Beth)-show-

party-bridge you can—YOU DESERVE IT!

(3) Im pleased that my Dec 17th’s did make-it-

through. (Repitions)=Stars & Stripes[5] says mail

recently has taken a secondary place on

ships & planes—most unusual. (4) #13-5

aint hay (sez Em’s back)—gee, Im so glad!

(5) Lastly—I too reiterate (or plagerize?)

all you said darlin’ about not letting

any letter or any senentence [sic] ever again

cause that written-word-treachery we

went through in N.Y.C. via long distance

phone. Gee, how sad I was!—I’ve never

been as sad that I can remember! Say,

dearest, how much did that phone call cost?

Well, that ends those ‘scrumptious”

letters. I know you’ll pardon me if I

hurry to bed to dream of you two Precious

Ones together on Xmas Day—& every

other day.

Em, I adore you———it does

seem impossible, doesnt it, to adore & love

one so much—its just God-given privelege!

AML[6], Dave


[1] Bracketed text is part of original.

[2] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[3] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[4] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[5] A US military newspaper.

[6] All my love.