January 9, 1945

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310.79.1-3.2016 Transcription

Somewhere –France

9 Jan 45 @ 9 PM

[1] 7th Army

Hi, dearest,

I’m a bit tardy in getting

started at writing tonight but I just

had to get a haircut. That means waiting

in line [just like everything else in the Army],[2]

so thus more time was consumed tha[n]

getting a haircut back in the States. Say,

did I ever mention that the (one) barber

in this outfit (works only 2 hrs evenings

when he feels like it) is named Stach

from some little town east of Bismarck?

Before I forget again as I did last

night—please send me the book

Bishop Lewis mentioned by CS Lewis,

“The Problem of Pain.” You’ll think Im

foolhardy to tell you to buy two books

but I hereby towit so do. I do not

want to wait until you have read a

copy & sent it on, & Lord knows I may

have to read it just in snatches c̅ work

being so heavy & long as it usually is &

has been recently.

Well—did you know that

a statistical compilation was made

& it showed that the Elko Clinic’s

surgery alone, located in Burleigh County[3] of


course, did 1445 operations in its first

41 days. The average layman maybe can’t

see through the minute time consuming

details embodied in such general

figures, but it surely is a feat both

figuratively & literally. The absoloute

silliness in Dad’s V-mail completes

the picture. (There is only a tiny bit of silliness

herein (above) to cause [any][4] lengthy cerebration.)

No letter today, dear. Nope! none of

your pkgs have ever “made-it-though.”

I hope those 2 batches (of 3 each) of P[ower] of Att[orne]y

“made-it-through.” Also I hope the “$50-letter”

(a $50 P.T.A.[5]) explaining my New-Years Eve

present to you “made-it-through.”

I know this isn’t much of a

letter, darling, but I (& we) are just piled

way over our heads & I must stop to

do some of the N-E-C-E-S-S-I-T-I-E-S.—

in one of two more days I may be able

to write you better letters than this one

& the one last night.

All my love,


P.S. Something else had better! “made-it-through”—my

SOS call for stamps, as I’m now 90% out/”sunk.”

[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] A county in North Dakota.

[4] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[5] Personal Transfer Account for sending money back home.