February 16, 1945

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[1] 7th Army

16 Feb 45 @ 9PM

Howdy, darlin’,

Again, as last night, you can see I’m

writing on “quickie” stationary. A scientific meeting

“hogged” part of the time; I’m on the waiting list in 25 mins

for a No[rth] Da[kota] barber’s haircut; I’m going to bed early to add

the last 2% “touch” to beating this cold (I wrote about—&

kept me from writing on the 14th Feb via resting “religously”); & lastly, I

better get some sleep tonight because tomorrow night is

supposed to be quite a festive party via the Activation Day

Anniversary party of the 116th Evac (music, f champagne, good food

etc, etc) & thus a full evenings sleep wont be (probably) avail-


To coincide c̅ this festivity [repitition][2] is supposed to

be “personal”-festivity via some captaincies “issued.”

It is rumored that practically all the 2nd Lt-nurses

will go (“ups”) to 1st Lt-nurses, as an almost dogmatic

directive provides for such for overseas-nurses. However,

c̅ the males its different——spite, “personalities,”

back biting, ass-kissing, ad infinitum [P.S. AD-NAUSEUM][3] all

figure in. I honestly feel that I am not on that

order—& if I am it would be inspite of some

people rather than because of some people. Soooo, 24 hrs

from now I could be either gratified or disheartened (F I N A N C I A L L Y)

No mail came today but overall the past 2½

weeks have been good. I surely hope my letters get through

to you decently even though they range in quality from

“stinky” to mediocre-fair.

Kiss her really super for me Terry[4]——‘cuz I love

ya both c̅———Allest my love,

Pop Dave


[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] Their infant son.