February 25, 1945

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[P.S. Probably “THE” joke of Etousa[1] at

the present time is this:—(you ask

the question [$64?][2] & never answer it yourself):—

“What is the longest animal in the

world—that has it’s head in

London & its ass in Washington??—!!][3]


[4] 7th Army

25 Feb 45

Hello, dearest,

Whadda night (last nite)! Whadda night! Setch a

night we haven’t had since our early weeks of being

open. Numerically—it was “Hell” of course, but

also behind it is that another anesthesia nurse is

down sick. Ya know (as old timers warningly reiterate) you

can work your nurses [& others][5] at this red hot war pace just

so long before they begin to break down (physically).

That was, of course, part of the reason for last night—

little Chet Derbin & I running the whole Anesthesia Dept

practically alone (a french 4th yr med. student c̅ little knowledge

was physically present). Anyhooo, (as an index), Dobie came in

about 10AM after having been moved away for over 2 wks

& I just could not wake up decently to even welcome

him & be sociable. Thank Heavens his return trip will

bring him back through this town again tomorrow so

I can visit c̅ him.

Your Feb 14th’s:- (A.S. That 1 stamp per letter, TANKS, is a nice idea).

Your adjective-expressions about Thump[6] are always cute,

but this letter is just loaded. Geeeeee! Ummm!

You tell ol’ Thump that he had better eat his different

kinds of food or I’ll sure up & eat them “on” him—&

that’s no “guff.” (Infact, remember how I use to eat up your food at a table?)

Tiz far better that he is a “little imp,” dearest; we

both agree 100% accordingly.

You “accused” yourself of writing a harangue—

NO!—it is just T-R-U-T-H! German POW pampering

gets over here; in lots of instances it’s plenty demoralizing

to guys over here. Em, Americans ares u c k e r s!

you can act Christianly without being a “S-U-C-K-E-R.”

This war is making millions of ISOLATIONISTS that never even

leaned that deplorable way before—oh, Em!, its so

hard not to become one when you live in conjunction c̅

these other people’s lives. We must not be such—but

what a battle-effort it will be.

AML,[7] Dave

[1] European Theater of Operations, United States Army.

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Bracketed text written on the outside of the original Airmail envelope.

[4] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[5] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[6] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[7] All my love.