February 9, 1945

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[1] 7th Army

9 Feb 45


NO ONE knows who/when/how

the Etousa[2] shift to C.B.I. [3] will take

place, BUT so as to make sure enough

ahead of time that a “refresher-fact” is

refreshed———A SILENCE PERIOD


Remember, darlin’—you’ve had ‘em

before—& they always meant/PROVED

things to be allright?! Please answer

this paragraph specifically, dear, ‘cuz I

just gotta know your mind is

“refreshed.” (P.S. I’ll repitition this over the weeks).

I got 3 letters from ya—I

guess one [(or two)][4] of them is what you would

call “peevish” [as forewarned by a Jan 29th letter

you hoped would (& did!) come first][5]—BUT,

honest, Em, I don’t particularly see that

it is “p e e v i s h” at all—‘n that’s the


Your Jan 21st’s:— Ho! hum!—you

spoke about how Terry’s[6] fast-sit-up (c̅

foreward fall) scared ya to death—

darlin’, before very long, he’s gonna be



himself so hard & so

often that you’ll wish you

had an Xray machine in

the back wash room-porch that you knew

how to run. And, each time your Xray

machine would say [QUOTE][7]:- “No boney

pathology noted!.” Also, I’ve got half a

hunch that if he’s the kinda guy who’ll

laugh more times after a kerplop than

he will cry after a kerplop. [Most of the

crying is due to being scared by the:unusualness

of that goofy thing that just happened,” said Mr. Terry.][8]

Infact, maybe he’ll have his Pappy’s

trigeminal nerve type of head sensory

distribution which just must be hypo-

active, as practically no head-smash is

hardly even felt. OKKK?? OOOKKK!

100X I, as a doctor, would have bet my ADA key the kiddie broke somethin: Xray=”neg.”

Nuthin’ much else in this letter

except to rerave about how super those

new-camera snaps are—geeeee!

Repitition:- I sent 3 last night that are merely

reprints of prints you already have, but lots better.

Oh yes somethin’ in the closure of

this letter [& kinda hard to “put-right” on paper][9].

Darlin’, you shouldn’t have (QUOTE) “prayers

working again[st]” my going to CBI[10]

as hail & hardy as I (maybe) will go to

CBI. OK? I’m afraid the 116th Evac. is



just too good (& too new) an

outfit to be sent HOME

so soon (Despite its not being potentially

this is all in spite of its leading officers,

as you already know. [Yesterday, added

to the list of Proven Shits (really always a known

Shit) is the Chief Nurse—but just to

show you my roarin’-control (?? at times)

Ill not even bore you c̅ at least 5 pages of

bitchin’ on how she through simply/absoloutely

feminine catiness blocked that trip I wrote

about in la yesterdays letter to say goodbye to

our swell nurse anesthetist being sent back to

the States][11].

Your Jan 25th’s:- (“Tanks” for the steady stamps).

Guess this letter is what you call “peevishness-

in-5-pages.” I don’t! so what say we just

skip it & (as necessary always) “file” it in the

waste basket. [P.S. Dearest—I am so very

very sorry about “The Plague’; I, as a doctor, will

trust (-rescue-“cure”) you from it as very soon

as the Lord will grant it so][12].

Your Jan 30th’s:- For repititions sake,

I am not 2nd Aux Surg Grp as of the writing

of said letter but oh! how I wish I were

so many times a month. [Especially, like those

times (above) such as the chief Shit Nurse “deal”][13]

I must reemphasize this—a Major

Peas came a short time ago when one

of the big shots (a Lt. Col) got the sack “out

of / here—Major Peas is a fine surgeon;


a fine man, personally; &

a fine Christian. Sooooo

if I should ever need anything done, I

feel a lot better about it. Again, I say

I am “spoiled” by being an “anesthetist-c̅-

ringside-seat” to know/have seen the

best surgery possible. –thus the other

surgeons dont stink, as a whole, they’re

just average-plus. A few days before

Major Peas, a [persecuted –re: rank-][14] Lt. Urrutia from

San Antonio also joined the 116th & the

two of them make 2-good-surgeons-making

a-good-team! Do ya feel better, hon——

I do!

Golly, I’m so rock-bottom/miserably

sorry I anticipated Thump[15] (& you) re:

those teeth & teething. Oh boy!!!!!!!

And while I’m expressing A P P R E C I A T I O N

let me “repitition” about those SWELL PANTS!


Say! did I ever tell you that one of Doctor Lillian May

Gale Wilsey’s pet peeves & “renowns” was that

baby teeth should be protected-cleansed-cared for &

not neglected as so many feel—based on:- “Oh,

well, they’ll fall out, anyway!” She was as close

to a children’s-tooth-specialist as they had in those


Ad lib—did ya get/find the 7th Army

Insignia Patch, Terry, that I sent in yesterdays

letter to you?! Whumpf! These women S’Sers![16]

The famous Nazi SS-Divisions recently have been found to have “Wacs.”


Say! I could really use

some “Arrid,” those swell

“Almond-Butter,” & English Toffy

bars, as well as the small cans of milk that

I’ve mentioned before. (P.S. you oughta be

“stockpiled” pretty well on “requisitions” –huh?!?)

Shecks, shooks, shucks!—here I’ve

been writing this letter in the “Charm-Way”

(before mail-time) that usually brings a

letter to me but today “no-soap.” Anyhooo

Ive been fortunate on mail (comparatively);

fortunate on War hardships (comparatively);

& fortunate on EVERYTHING IN LIFE (comparatively).

And thats what so much of Life is


But nuthin’ can compare, Em, c̅ the

all-ness, deepness of

My love,


Franc Notes:—?


5 Fr (man c̅ beret: oriental looking woman)

5 Fr (helmeted woman: sailor)

10 Fr (“Thinker” peasant woman: helmeted woman)

20 Fr (3 women)

20 Fr (scientist & bridge: peoples faces)

50 Fr (sort of a Madonna: a “Thinker” man)



2 Fr}

5 Fr} all a routine non-pictured-type.

10 Fr}  




[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] European Theater of Operations, US Army.

[3] China Burma India. CBI was the US military designation for this area during the war.

[4] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[5] Bracketed text is part of original.

[6] Their infant son.

[7] Bracketed text is part of original.

[8] Bracketed text is part of original.

[9] Bracketed text is part of original.

[10] China Burma India. CBI was the US military designation for this area during the war.

[11] Bracketed text is part of original.

[12] Bracketed text is part of original.

[13] Bracketed text is part of original.

[14] Bracketed text is part of original. In original, “-re:rank-” is written below “[persecuted].”

[15] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[16] In original, “Souvenir Scroungers” is written underneath “SS.”