February 28, 1945

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[1] 7th Army

28 Feb 45 @ 6PM

‘L’o dearest,

Just sent Terry[2] (‘course I had to

use your name—damnit!) $50 [P.T.A.[3]][4] to use

at any ol’ time he feels like it for a

plane trip to see an ol’ pal of his by

the name of Arley Barnes in Rochester.

I realize the hazzard associated—

you “filching” the dough, but I

just couldn’t get around it. Ho! hum!

While on money—I’ll pre-

maturely go into your Feb 15th’s letter

(that came today) by asking/puzzeling re:

your (QUOTE) “squandering” the $2.34

in w o r t h l e s s Franc notes. Better yet

ya, huh, that I’d giff $2.35 worth of

roses that at least have a reall-

esthetic-emotional value for at least

3 days, rather than $2.34 that probably

neffer in der Worldt would be

worth anything. See??—or am I

still just too factual——or——

do I just hate everything French soo

much that $2.34 seems huge, when

correlated c̅ French-worthlessness??


Send me canned foods of

any kind that don’t take

points. Thank yuh!

Repitition on money—your Class E

allotment is now $250. Just how they

will pay the “Captaincy-½-month” since

the orders were “cut” on 16 Feb 45, I just

don’t know. Probably take them 2-3

months to get it straight.

Now to your Feb 5th’s c̅ its thankful

one stamp:— [Say! I cant seem to get off

money tonight][5] but you write viz. “As it

looks to me, a franc isn’t worth much

in American currency” (UNQUOTE)—darlin’,

you just got things “bass-ackwards”—

“the American currency isn’t worth

much in French francs” !Ü!!!

Infact the hue & cry of millions of

soldiers for months has been the “gyp”

ratio. “Stars & Stripes,” newspapers,

Congressmen, etc, etc are always screaming

about this—this, being just one

more example of u[til]izing American

“easy-mark”/”suckerness”/[“good Uncle.”][6] Honest, dear,

WHEN is American going to wake

up?! Readers Digest (even though only one of

yours has come & I read the chaplain’s R.D.) trys each month to hammer


it into America’s-Head.

Dearest, if !Ü!!!

legislators/power-politicians let us

down like they did the World War I

guys—I’ll swear there will

be a rejuvination of that old fashioned

art called assa[ss]ination.

I’m glad to know that the

novocaine insters hit the spot—

do you know [that][7] this Feb 15th letter is my

first proof of anything known by you?

Didn’t Dad every mention his absoloute-

silliest Vmail? It seems that Ive

waited months to have this thing


We have always been in the

same place. Those Associated Press

“scoops” regarding the 116th have certainly

covered the United States. (Funny,—2 nights

ago I wrote you a warning about this, & here

already you had received “The Voice On the Phone”).

However, one article was sent to Capt

Charley Farber from an Iowa newspaper

& it certainly was a “glamour-deal”—

even though truthful. Anyhooo, many

times [it seems][8] I have written that

I feared we would shortly be in the-

mess-called-moving & yet it never

materialized. Again we feel we


might be asked to

angle east-by-north-

easy, yet it never happens.

I can imagine a 1000 & one reasons

why your Thursdays are dreaded but

there must be 1002, 1003, 1004, etc reasons

which you didn’t mention=? Woe is us

tomorrow is Thurdsday—A G A I N !

Oh say—maybe I should clarify

that those things about Nancy McGee

were just “generalities”—at a

time when no other expressions

were possible. Now that things are

understood form the actual unified

begining, I thought I’d better ad

lib this, dear, for clarity’s sake.

Again———it seems as

if I’ve fatefully fallen in as at

least a potential “Fall-Guy” re: some

friend (actual, or supposed as Mrs N.) of the

Belk Family. Lordy! Lordie! well

it ever cease! BUT, again as at


Aunt K. hasn’t written. HONEST!

She hasn’t answered me either re: present.

She just didn’t look good, is all a

doctor can say as of having seen her

24 hrs prior to that last night of Oct 27th.

(This retrospectively, in an absoloute silliness manner, can help.)


I surely hope you do send the

Capitols’ article—just at least so

I can see the picture I am so curious

about. It may save one piece of film

(past repititions) if you haven’t already shot

it up on my “curiosity-satisfier-snap.”

I suppose Bismarck will abreviate that “scoop” down to nothing—

its original form is quite long.

Doris-Johnny never have answered

at least 2 of my communications to

them. Elkoits seem to convey that

the Eacrets are “lost-to-them,” in the

letters I get from others. Geeee! I’ll

never forget the first moccassins I

received. Oh boy! was I ever a

pussy-footin’ Indian! Shoulda seen me.

It seems that I’ve sent so many

things lately that I cant even remember

an itemized list viz. snaps (4X, 5X, or 6X),

ductus arteriosus article, Kraut ersatz

ration book, other peoples’ letters, foreign

coins, franc notes, a bib to Thump[9]

(for which he will rightfully murder me), a

Captaincy EFM[10], etc, etc. I should have

some wedding-snaps in 2-5 days.

Anyhoooo, even if none of these things

get through, all I pray does make-

it-through it—All my love,


P.S. As a reminder when I’m home, who are {“Anzio Annie” & “Alsace Alice.”[11]

[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Their infant son.

[3] Personal Transfer Account for sending money back home.

[4] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[5] Bracketed text is part of original.

[6] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[7] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[8] Bracketed text is part of original.

[9] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[10] Expeditionary Force Message, with numbers corresponding to messages for quick correspondence.

[11] In original, “Anzio Annie” is written above “&,” which is written above “Alsace Alice.”

February 28, 1945