February 20, 1945

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[1] 7th Army 20 Feb 45


This is going to be kind of a conglomerate

letter, but time is delayed & late tonight.

For the 3rd repitition [Ill only repeat it 4X][2] I am glad

that an EFM[3] should have already arrived telling

Terry[4] (via you of course) that his Pop can now give

him $56-$58 more a month in the form of a Captaincy.

This all is in spite of my 2 major “friends” apparently.

My one (& only) reaction is a financial one.

In verbal words Ill tell you how I

was probably the guy who got Doris & Jim to

realize they were in love—that they should/

could marry—& their decision was

made before the partial intestinal obstruction

hit her to cause return to the U.S.A.. They are still

going ahead to be married even in the face of her

being sent home shortly thereafter. Some people

would say it was silly—I know the

kids & it is very rational.

No mail came today but I’m sure some

will arrive tomorrow. In my last nights

letter I wrote my first [I believe][5] words about

the other MD anesthetist who is a Jewish refugee.

Today we did have that discussion, I write about

last night—& it was worth its

weight in gold. We’re “straight,” we’re better friends,

& our service to these wounded fellers will be even

a wee bit better (because there is no longer departmental

“pettiness” to slow things just a tiny bit). Guess what

I’m trying to say is “thumb-mail-edly” this:—

Last night in my prayers I asked God to help out in

this discussion that just had to percipitate [sic] someday,

which was today——He did!— —& so

beautifully! If we ask, dearest, I betcha He will

help us too in our discussions through Life.

All my love to you both, Dave

[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Expeditionary Force Message, with numbers corresponding to messages for quick correspondence.

[4] Their infant son.

[5] Bracketed text is part of original.