February 7, 1945

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[1] 7th Army

7 Feb 45

[Is the 7th Army patch

(paper one) still enclosed?][2]

Hi, darlin’,

Ho! ho!—know what I did

last night?—whumpf!, I

wont tell ya—well—maybe

I will if you “beg” real hard. OK!

I went hitch-hiking. Some stuff;

some mess; some “deal”! By 8PM

(off work time) I had finished my letter

to you. From 3 recent letters you know

how I never really visited c̅ Dobie

so I went hitch-hiking to see him

in a typical French “drizzle-sleet-fog.”

I never got to him till 10:30 at night

& had to wake him up but he was

glad. I felt that I just had to have

some “concreteness” re: the possibilities

of a trip to see Clyde—well

its all off because Clyde has again

had to back-up into Belgium (‘n that’s

too far for a “quickie-trip.”) [Guess I told you

Clyde was captured by Nazi’s & escaped, didn’t

I—I didn’t tell you he had to abandon

his tank under fire & had to run like “Hell.”][3]

Anyhooo we talked ourselves out


& then came the “biggest”

part of the deal—tryin’

to hitch-hike back in

the wee hours of the morning. I

finally got to bed @ 2AM. [When I reread

these letters at Home—let this remind me to

tell what happened in Dobie’s town the night before

I got there.


No mail today but, panoramically,

luck has been good for about 2 weeks.

Oh yes—In last nights (really late

afternoon’s) letter I forgot to write about

the 4th point of several you mentioned

[in your duplicated (so stated [have only 1][5]) letter re: explainations

of peevishness][6]. The sum, substance, &

rock-bottom of any bemoaning about

absence of Captaincy is—100%


Ive told many guys—they could

reduce me to the rank & grade of a

3rd lieutenant (if there were such a “bird” below

a 2nd Lt) IF they just give me that

extra $56 BUCKS FOR YOU & THUMP[7]!,

each month. Sooo, therefore, thus,

towit:- my remarks are not

criticism—not self pity—not




Please send me 3 of those

honey-combs—the 3 jars

you sent were broken &

thus this time the honey wont run out of combs.

You know, that sorta waxey interstic[es]

stuff—I think they’re called combs.

Wonder what & where Franklin-

Joe-Winney are talking about right

now. One of the best recent latrine

rumors is that a huge Nazi transport

plane was escourted/protected for the

trip out of Germany by U.S.A.-Fighter

escourt, & supposedly was bound for

the Conference direction. These “latrines”!


Ive been over visiting (1 Block) Major

“Sully” Sullivan the C.O. of 2nd Auxillary

Surg Group (U of Wis[consin] Gen’l Hosp)—[surely

social][8]—& c̅ a few drinks.

Thus, I’m gonna hurry to bed via

the 2AM bed-time last night PLUS the

drinks tonight [even though its only 9PM][9].

Sooo, darlin’, sleep tight; “DONT

WORRY” (even if Etousa[10] does more to C.-B.-I.[11]);

dont let the “home-front” getcha; ‘cuz

you K N O W you have a Poppy whoz

gonna put you in OUR HOME c̅

All my love, added to it,


[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Bracketed text written in the upper left-hand corner of the original.

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] Bracketed text written underneath “(so stated)” in original.

[6] Bracketed text is part of original.

[7] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[8] Bracketed text is part of original.

[9] Bracketed text is part of original.

[10] European Theater of Operations, US Army.

[11] China Burma India. CBI was the US military designation for this area during the war.