May 1, 1945

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Somewhere else yet again–Germany

1 May 45 With 7th Army 7 P.M.



I have a few minutes free here while yet on duty

to write a “quickie” for today—the  “quickie”

reason is that for the second night in a row

there are movies (in a tent, of course)—after

weeks & weeks s̅[1] any. ALSO—it is “Keys To

The Kingdom” (?) which I believe you saw &

told me to see. So, Precious, I know you’ll

forgive me.

Again—the advanced part is out to

reconsiter [sic] the new site we will move to

in a day or two. War could end any hour

yet we keep moving, racing, working just

as if it weren’t over. Boy! dont ever think

snipers arent raising nasty anesthesia

problems in [illegible deletion] advance parties of GI

infantry men who supposedly walk into a

surrendered town [c̅[2] its white flags flying][3].

Did you get my many times reped in

recent days news about Emily Belkott marrying

Doctor Spreneringen, & how I & you knew it would

split in divorce court before long. Silly! Silly! Fools?

While on marriages of interest to us both—

the Elko Daily Courier carried a note in its society

gossip column that probably Doctor Charlie Secorl and

& nurse Edith Greenshut might be married next

in Elkos “400.” (P.S. God forbid, “400”!)


[The following is a letter from Wilsey’s friend Alice.]

April 4—

“Hurrah,” You’ll be a Elko

Colonel before long—

My Dearest Dave!—

Andy says he wrote you a few

days ago but I thot [sic] I’d have

a little visit with you too. We are

always so happy to hear from

you. I owe Emily a letter she

sent a snap of the baby, Dave he’s

just precious looking Boy! how

I’d love to get my hands on him,

his grin is just like you exactly.

I have two clippings out of the paper

for her about you for her scrap

book. Andy and I are just fine,

have been all winter. Seems you’ve

been gone ages—but not forgotten.

peaple [sic] talk about you both and

are always asking what we hear.

The neighborhood is just [the][4] same,

the Sheerins go to bed as soon as

its dark ha’, ha’, and poor Chris

looks is too, what am I saying am I

jealous??? Connie Pete and kids

are O.K., they have had Billy Duncar.

(You know night man at [the][5] hotel) at their

house for two weeks, he had a complete

nervous break down and was

terrible for a while in fact all the

time he was in the hospital—didn’t


know anyone, where he was ect.

You know what a baozi [sic] fighter he

was at one time—well Walter thot

if he had a different environment

and all that he’d snap out of it

which he did for about two weeks

but is very bad again, they are

moving from the Crumley house

as soon as they can find a place

which so far has been bad, there

just isn’t anything here and with

two small boys, you know, Newt

came up a month ago with six

Army Officers took them up to “Show

off” the house, well I guess from

what Pete + Connie said) the house

wasn’t in a showeable condition

and Newt was very put out and

mentioned same to Pete, Mr Crumley

[Jas] Mr + Mrs Reugia to move in

his the gardener there. The Old Town

is sure dead with the mid night

closing and brown Our. We went

down the other evening to dinner

and danced a while Connies

birthday. dont faint but I marked

a 25¢ ticket and won $45—

Mrs Cox has heard from her daughter

and both are O.K. she’s like a different


Heard Jean Warres was expecting,


so was Gene Hunter Jack’s wife

but she just returned from the

hospital she was only a few

months and last in.

Did I tell you Mr Lucy bought

the New part of the Great house Apts.

his daughter in law and baby live

with him.

Kipplers, Bergers, Dane Burnes had

a big party not long ago—drinks

at Kipplers and turkey dinner at

the Star- big time was had by


Edythe Green is still in the hospital

(I think) she had an operation for

a ruptured gastric ulsur [sic], she was

very very bad for a few days but

shes alright now.

We saw Jack Daley for a few

minutes last week, he was on his

way to Carson to testify at an army

Trial, said Annabelle and baby

were fine, he’d lost serenties tho.

didn’t look a bit good, said

they hadn’t had any meat for weeks,


didn’t even see it in the

markets, they’d like to be back

here I think.

I thot I had a lot of local news

for you but its all left me.

H.U. Castle att. died not long ago

and Mrs Castle last week.

The war news sounds so very

good sure hope its right and

you’ll all be home safe and sound

before to long.

Every time we have a good dinner

we miss for you kids to be in

on it, you’ll have to come visit

us when you come home.

You owe me two letters now.

I took out a life Inc. Policy from

Carl Kipper last week and was to the

office to see her. Secor, same old

stuff there every chair full with

no standing room in the hall,

Mrs Secor asks for you both often

I see her at Red Cross.

Andy just loves the “name” he gave

[G.D.S. → (GOD DAMN SLAVE)—But yes! any Evac-er.][6]

you and keeps telling i[t] over + over—

Hope you are getting a little rest

and some good eats along with

your hard work.

Much love always—



[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “without.”

[2] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[5] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[6] Bracketed text written between lines by Wilsey.

May 1, 1945