May 30, 1945

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Dachau Concentration Camp

30 May 45 Germany

Hi, darlin’,

You’ll not have letters from

me on 28th & 29th May. Here’s why:—

As written in my last letter on 27 May

the possibility of going to the Alps was

forthcoming; it came; for 19¾ hrs

we were theyre; & then because there

was a “screwed-up” situation (AS ALWAYS)

in the Higher-Ups———we were

evicted from the place and had to

return to this Depressing Den Of Dachau.

We should not have been starting back

until tomorrow morning. Sooo goes the

116th—always “Snafu”!—always


Anyhooo, it had some interesting

things packed into those 19¾ hrs (add of

course, 5 hrs drive down—& back same road).

The country, Austrian Alps, is like

driving in Denver Zone mixed c̅[1] Ruby

Range Zone. The place we slept one

night (WITH SHEETS!) was Achen See

& reminded me quite a bit of our

specific enviro[n]ment in the Tetons (J’cks’n Hole).

I’ll enclose one postcard in this letter


& another in tomorrows letter [(I only have two)][2]. The

Austrian Alps aside from the Chalets (sp?), [(houses)][3]

Tirolian hats, etc. that you know of, have

one interesting thing—at least 30%

& up to 65% of their houses have a rather

beautiful oil painting on the outside

wall; it doesn’t look exactly like

oil paintings on canvas do, but they

are very durable & you can see

some have been there for almost centuries.

The major theme is re[lig]ious, but some

are of folklore-theme.

Now to something that will please

you as it did me—immediately

upon arrival I took off down the road

AND FOUND DOBY about 40 miles

away (at Ober Meining). We talked/did

much, but the main thing was

to go deer hunting & I shot 3 times

& got 2 deer (theyre much smaller than

American deer; infact only 17 people could

eat venison-steak sandwiches at my “party”

last night after we got back here mad as

wet hens about having our rest-period cancelled

on us—we were going to eat the venison

up there in the Alps but they “kicked-us-back” so

fast). Maybe I better reword this:- an Austrian Alp deer

is so small that only 17 people can get 2 steaks apiece off 2 deer.


We were all so mad about being

“kicked-back” that on the route home we

went off-route a ways & went through

the Brenner Pass so as to step onto

Italy when we ate a lunch & took a

few pictures. (Warrant Officer Dr B. Schuman &

Charlie Gillespie have negatives of me in

Italy ↔ Austria at the signpost border markers).

Thus we crowded a lot into

19 ¾ hrs + 5 hrs, & it was so good

to get away from this depressing “Hell-Hole.”

[I’ll enclose a paper I “souveniered” for you in Italy;

naturally it’s the German influence but you can

see they were “talking” Italian (lire) money.][4]


if, just if, you absoloute[ly] cross-your-

heart-promise not to hold your breath,

I’ll tell/hint/hope/dream something

I just hardly dare even think of (let

alone see it on this writing paper). Very rapidly the fragmentary bits of

information (latrine rumors, minor orders, etc)

have been coming into this 116th the past

few days that suggest we are bound

for the beloved United-States of America &

might be there around the middle of

August. Now, darlin’, I know that seems


ages to us both, but pleeeeeez “think” as

I do—the longer it takes us

to pack, be screened, Atlan[t]ic travel,

leave time, training (tropical) time, etc the

nearer Japan will be to being pulverized

& thus we might get stopped/cancelled

on the West Coast. Follow me, dear?

In other words, lets say “between”

eachother {“I hope I dont see Dave till Aug 15th” “I hope I dont see Em till Aug 15th.”[5]

and——we will each know

what the other if thinking re: the

overall picture of C.B.I. [6] Infact, I

cant help but “dream” that if we dont

get to NYC before Aug 15th, we will

find the Japs “out” by the time we

could leave + train + Pacific ocean travel

over to fight them (some 2 to 3¼ to 4½ months

later). OK? OK!! tiz psychically agreed.

When I got back 2 letters were

waiting & then before I had the chance to

start writing this today another nice one came.

2 “Tank”-Stamps→ Your May 18th’s:— is chiefly about

your visit c̅ Thump[7] to Dr. B. OK, OK, I’ll

gladly (VERY GLADLY) be the “fall-guy” & take

the blame for Thumps sore arm (P.S. Ill apologize

to Thump for the soreness but not you & Dr B) but I got


“visions”—did ya ever see a baby

cough c̅ whooping cough?—in brief,

its more of a demand on a heart than

a marathon——not that Tough

Thumper couldn’t handle whooping

cough hands-down——I just

wanna save him the “bother.” SEE!

Your May 20ths:—(you were understandably

“blue” from a [misconstrued as CBI bound][8] EFM[9] + Clarices 35th birthday).

Dearest, haven’t you “figured-out” yet that

Clarice is not gone?! Better read your

“Forewards” more thoroughly, huh?—if

not all [the][10] other things you K N O W.

[2 Tank-Stamps in this letter Doby-stamps?][11]

Nothing much else to answer—

give Viola Milano my condolences re: her Dad.

Your May 21sts:—(1) The toilet-paper shortage

is a scream. (2) Our car, to be painted, would

“faint,” Im sure! (3) Rep (2x or 3x) both recent

batches of snaps arrived (c̅ THE “TOPS” REACHING-ONE.)

Let me plagerize (sp?):…..I didnt

realize….how much….I was

you, until (I) went away….” yet

left c̅ you every bit of



P.S. 4 out of 7 (sizable) pkgs

have been sent over the last

5 days. Here’s hopin’!

[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[3] Bracketed text written above “(sp?)” in original.

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] In original, “’ I hope I dont see Dave till Aug 15th’” is written above”’ I hope I dont see Em till Aug 15th.’”

[6] China Burma India. CBI was the US military designation for this area during the war.

[7] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[8] Bracketed text is part of original.

[9] Expeditionary Force Messages, with numbers corresponding to messages for quick correspondence.

[10] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[11] Bracketed text written in the left-hand margin, with an arrow to “Your May 21sts” a few lines down.

May 30, 1945