May 9, 1945

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V-E [day] +1 or (?) 9 May 45


Yesterday I wrote calling it V-E day in my

letter head. Today Im not so sure today is not VE

Day. Regardless, militarily-medically the V-E changes

in our life (blackout of lights, etc, etc) occurred yesterday.

I surely hope my yesterdays letter reaches

you as I hita highlight-keynotes on things which

will certainly fill my letters & thoughts for

months (?) to come. Anyhooo, I’ll “rep” a series

of paragraphs just to make sure:—

(Rep) I’m at the “Queen Bee” horror spot

of Europe along c̅[1] 78 other docs caring for more than

40,000+ derelects of Humanity reduced by to such by

the S.S. (Storm Trooper-Nazi) beast—namely

Dachau. Its piteous sights, filth, disease,

horror-torture enviroment are every word multiplied

100X in the Jan (or Dec.) Readers Digest. In other

words—The-Hell-On-Earth (as to size

& prestige) even though other concentration camps are worse.

I INSIST—you (& all I’d hope) would read (#1) 30 Apr 45

“Time” magazine & (#2) the above Readers Digest.

(Rep) 2 Batches of Terry’s[2] cute pictures in “t-[v]” &

on couch came. 2 packages c̅ arrid, leather laces,

candy, pop corn, etc etc came. Income blank arrived


2 forewards came yesterday & one some days before

(old rep) A hair Rx it made it through.

(Rep.) A nasty infection of my right index

finger kept me (along c̅ moving, work, & “sweeping-life”

etc) from writing you for 6, 7, 8 or 9 days prior to

my V-E day letter. I still cant hold a pen


(Rep) Maybe God has decided the 116th (& 127th Evac)

should face this dirty deal/”dirty deal” for the

rest of all warfare. Many here pray to “face”

the CBI[3] instead. I just do not know which

is worse, as of the moment.

Under firearm guard & “posse” of my (rep.)

good Dutch Lt Paratrooper-“Underground” friend

Hans Gerritsen, 3 of us went into the S.S.

hospital yesterday. Ill give details at home.

(P.S. It probably will be just my luck not to have

Hans be able to “find” me one of the many hundred

“liberated”[4] $800 Leica F2 (lens) cameras before

he is repatriated. Still hold your breath.

Dearest, my psyche is really very stinky—

I’d better get this into the mail before I

start saying things that might disturb you.

All (EVERY BIT!) my love,


P.S. Im truly sorry darlin that the greater

part of 14 of your letters are still unanswered.

13 EFMs[5] try to help make “amends.”

[1] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[2] Their infant son.

[3] China Burma India. CBI was the US military designation for this area during the war.

[4] Looted.

[5] Expeditionary Force Messages, with numbers corresponding to messages for quick correspondence.