May 22, 1945

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Dachau Concentration Camp

22 May 45 @ 9 PM


Before I forget—do not fail to

read about “me” in “Time” mag for 7 May 45.

(vol #45) as well as (rep) “Time” for 30 Apr 45

(vol #18). Also, as “reped” Reader’s Digest for

Jan (or Dec). I just cannot write as many

words as they do. (P.S. 1 in a million; I was in a newsreel).[1]

now I’ll start—really


Youz looks like yet breakin’ yer

back—& I’ll bet you are—in

those swell pictures of holding Thump[2]

outside 710-4th St. that just came

today as the May 8th’s & 10th’s letters. (2 in one 4 in another[3]).

‘N, dearest, you look kinda tired & (1)

you are either letting hair grow or (2) there

is no time for beautician-hair-cutters

or (3) there are no beautician-hair-cutters


Which? anyhooo, it was darned good to

see your “face” after so [seemingly][5] long!

P.S. I havent “finigeled” myself infront of a camera

for soooo long. that I’m sorry I cant promise reciprocation.

Your May 8th’s:—Your V-E Day &

mine were almost identical as to attitude.


kiddo! when you wrote (QUOTE)- -“in this

civilized world there are beasts…&

cry for mercy…”—I’VE SEEN

BOTH REACTIONS outa the same guys.

Please do not fail to read those “Time”

magazines—you’ll know “briefly”

my life; sorta “live-it”/understand it

[6] me. P.S. Did I “confess” how PASSIVELY my

canteen cup was used to pour icy river water down

SSers half naked backs as they stood for hours c̅ a

two-arm-up-Heil Hitler before being shot in the

cold-blood I wrote about. A truely blood thirsty [I’d never

seen it before][7] combat engineer from Calif asked to

borrow my cup in performing his “preliminaries”

to roaring his .45 automatic right into the face

of 3 S.S.ers—He was blood thirsty & nothing

else would have ever “satisfied” that boy for his

brother’s death at the hands of the S.S.

I’m glad the $25 P.T.A.[8]-“shoes” arrived.

Dad also explained your shoelessness in

a letter that came today too (I had just answered

one of his last night too, via V-mail).

Sooo Mrs McNulty didn’t like me?!

Whumpf! Anyhooo, I’ll explain the details

of a secret of when home how——

those guys would never have gotten

married if it hadn’t been for me. Seeeee!

Gosh Im sorry about no letters—‘n

lordie!—Just about then a 6, 7, 8, or 9 day

infected-finger-gaposis musta come, “adding-on.”


Id better run some “reps”:- 5 E.F.M.s[9]

have been sent since V-E Day (you mentioned

2 but didnt you get a Love-to-the-best-Mother-

in-the-World,” etc, etc EFM?). That pkg.

c̅ the swell cheeze Mom & Dad sacrificed

came (as did almost 2 identical pkgs containing

leather-laces, Arrid, bars, etc). The whisk-broom

is just “superflomgloptious”! Im going

to start, in a day or two, to mail some

“liberated”[10] S.S.-Dachau-warehouse items

& tho some seem like junk, they all

have some use (this late afternoon I etched

my name or initial on every metal item c̅

a slick electric-pencil to “embarrass” anyone

to posesses [sic] them via package pillaging). All

pkgs you unwrap you had better do

it on a bed ontop of a newspaper—

German lenses, [medical items][11] small tools, etc, etc

will come kerploping out of every

fold of each cloth item as Ill use

the cloth items to protect/pad the

other items. Only if I cannot register (rep)

the 2 electro-16mm-F15 (lens) cameras

will I send them; I’ll carry them one

in a musette mag, & one in the foot-locker

(or bed roll).

MID-NITE:— I just spent 3 hrs packing & tying. Ive

split things up among 7 (sizable) pkgs so no one has

all the value. They probably will be months in arriving.

Unroll every corner & fo[l]d of a cloth article for small things.

AML[12], Dave

[1] In fact, his daughter Clarice did see him on such a news reel years later, in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.

[2] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[3] In original, “2 in one” is written above “4 in another.”

[4] Bracketed text written in small print in between the lines in original.

[5] Bracketed text is part of original.

[6] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[7] Bracketed text is part of original.

[8] Personal Transfer Account for sending money back home.

[9] Expeditionary Force Messages, with numbers corresponding to messages for quick correspondence.

[10] Looted.

[11] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[12] All my love.