May ?, 1945

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310.181.1.2017 Transcription


[Loose page- between May 25 and May 30, 1945]


Compared to most of the 116th I’ve

been fairly “blessed” as regards mail—

however (even I) we can say it surely

has been “stinky” since a few “token”

post V-E pieces were sent through.

Thus your May 15th’s & 17th’s came

& I was sooooo glad (even more

glad was I that you have received at least

3 (you 2 – Mom 1) post-VE E.F.M.s[1]). (Total=5 E.F.M.s).

[2 stamps TANX!→][2] Your May 15th’s:— Rep:- after seeing

the War Depts movies The D “Two Down &

One to Go” (wish they’d show it all over America)

it is just an absoloute miracle if

any “Doc” in the 116th gets out of going

C.B.I.[3] Gosh! Im so sorry for you

dearest one, I just ache & scream &

ache dozens of times a day, over it.

Let me know how contractor, con-

struction, lumber, etc, etc factors seem

to be lining up in the U.S.A.. Not that

my-pocketbook can do awfully much

about it but—we can dream.

I just dont know if an Anesthesiologist would be

rrrunggg right out of the middle of “House Dreams”

as much as a Practitioner. Whadda you think?

[Possible missing pages.]

[1] Expeditionary Force Messages, with numbers corresponding to messages for quick correspondence.

[2] Bracketed text written in the margins of original, with “2 stamps” written above “TANX!”

[3] China Burma India. CBI was the US military designation for this area during the war.