May 14, 1945

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Dachau Concentration Camp

14 May 45

[A.S. The enclosed 3 arent Hommel’s

are they?—anyhooo, my first

glums made me dive after them

because I knew Emmy Schmaltz.][1]

Hi, dear,

Ever since V-E day I’ve scribbled [plenty scribble!][2]

you a note of some kind despite/since this (rep) infected

rt index finger has been on-the-heal enough to

let me write [sez she:— on-the-HEEL!, for not writing

me for 6, 7, 8, or 9 days].[3] Anyhooooo, you just better

not be mean to me or I wont give you that

second white, silk-like, staffman’s, “smock” to wear

while making bridge party snacks—that I got

for ya yesterday. Oh, yes, I guess I never did

remember to tell you about “liberating”[4] 2 thermos

bottles (new) the first day I was here.

I never yet in any “Dachau-letter” told you a

secret. As a hospital orderly for 7½ yrs + being a doctor

for 6½ + more years I smelled plenty of rotten, foul,

horrible smells s̅[5] ever tending even, to vomit.

Our first day here upon witnessing rotting starved

50-90 lb men pilled [sic] by the hundreds like so much

cord-wood at the world famous Dachau Crematory;

I came c̅[6]in 1/100% of doing so—the stench was

so terrific & vile that my stomach contents were

½ way up my esophagus but I swolled [sic] it back

down [somehow][7]. [Had enough?—Hell, kid, you aint

heard nothing of what we have S-E-E-N.][8]

Again (rep) I insist all you Americans read &

multiply 10X to 100Xevery word of “Time” magazine for

30 Apr 45; & Jan (or Dec) Readers Digest.


I hope my VE day letter reaches you first. Much

I’ve written in the past 4 (or 5) days will be “in-a-fog”

to you unless my V.E. (&/or VE 1) arrive first. Say! did

my 7 pager Aunt K letter arrive. I understand if you

dont want to answer [as you wrote:—lets leave controversial-

discussional questions till we talk][9], but just say it

arrived. Also please mention my V-E arriving.

Your Apr 27th’s:—did arrive yesterday (as one of 3),

& Ill answer them all proto pronto so as not to

be so far behind as I once was. = (14!). 2 stamps = safe

‘n untouched. (1) Im sorry my wish for you to have

2 pair $12.50 summer shoes cant be fullfilled. I,

at least, & Im sure 1,000’s of others know you have

no-bed-of-roses back in the USA, dear. (2) ‘Sfunny

but so often I’ve talked & thought of “twin” suits

too—why even Tex Urrutia (on[e] of my 3 roommates

right now) & I talked about The Urrutia’s golfing-

“twin”-suits not so long ago. (P.S. & “rep” I have “twin”

turtle-neck sweaters for us via the courtesy of S.S. Heinrick


Your Apr 30th’s:- (1) You spoke of—“many parts of

my (mine too) life Id like to try (live) over”—all

humans, dearest, feel the same including me. Yet

the more I see here; the more I look back; the more

I am C O N V I N C E D that God makes our lives

plenty “rough” or nasty at times so that we “wind-up”

better—“the-bigger-end-of-the-horn.” [P.S. I sure

‘n Hell cant figure why He slipped Thump[10] a patent ductus,

but He sure must have a reason so I will “blindly”

accept His reason.][11] (2) I surely gotta kick outa your

description of Thump bein’ “distrustful” & “quiet little

mouse” when Dr. B. looms up—how many

times haven’t I been tickled by being “peeked-at.” Wheew!

(3) I suppose (damnit!) your guess of seein’ me Apr 30, 1946 is avg.


[Possible missing pages.]

[1] Bracketed text written in upper-left corner of original.

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Bracketed text is part of original.

[4] Looting.

[5] Medical abbreviation meaning “without.”

[6] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[7] Bracketed text inserted into original with a caret.

[8] Bracketed text is part of original.

[9] Bracketed text is part of original.

[10] Nickname for their infant son, Terry.

[11] Bracketed text is part of original.