May 24, 1945

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310.173.1-4.2017 Transcription

Dachau Concentration Camp

Germany 24 May 45


The patch is

for SSers of Dutch

birth who would

“traitor over” to National


of Germany.][1]


Before I forget 10X more—————

did you see the movie “Impatient Years”?

Not that even by-&-large it “applies”

to us, but there are a few specific

points good for any new-mother-baby-

overseas pappy “trio” to keep in mind.

Mail surely is screwy—always

bad since 2-3 days after V-E days, but

bizzare in its scattering. How you


We are all terribly on-edge—

(naturally the (1) 6 months of work & still no let

up & (2) C.B.I.[2] “awaiting” factor) BUT the main

one of the moment is the high-feeling

about what our rotten C.O. is doing

& trying to do c̅[3] leaves——just

nullify, cancel, balk, & block them

every turn he can. It is absoloutely,

rock bottom, dastardly shameful!!

The nurses (because they have the 7th Army HQ

Chief of Nurses pitching for them—thus “over our

C.O.’s head”) are flying to the Riviera or

Paris. I want so badly to go to


London (& then sneak into Holland to see Hans[4])

as my 1st choice; 2nd choice is get to

go to Paris (& then sneak up to Holland); &

3rd is outrightly ask for Holland

alone (which is out of the question). The #1

would let me do “2-birds-c̅-one-stone”

thing. Yet, to this minute, the best

information is that we male

officers will get no rest-time-off

at all, & if it does (miraculously)

happen it will only be 70-some miles

from here at a lake in the Alps (just

like subs[t]ituting veal to make—“veal in chicken

salad makes chicken salad.”)—& then

only be for 2-3 days. Dear, most every

soldier {male or female}[5] in Europe is either

planning or having a good (& deserved)

time except the 116th. This just proves

that our CO in one-in-a-million—

only one in a million humans could

be so Spartanly abnormal. P.S. My last

nights letter will tell you of the 116th “muting”

factor that is all but on paper—where it will never



I surely hope sooo much that my V-E Day

letter reaches you, just as your’s did me.

Your May 10th’s:—Re: your having

“hunched” that Ill be direct CBI.—

if you saw the Army {morale pep-talk}[6] show

we saw today, “Two Down & One To Go,”

you’d know for sure why millions

just can’t possibly get home AND MOST

OF ALL A DOCTOR! I wish to

“hell” they’d show these movies to

civilians—they’re so logical, complete,

accurate, & “revealing.” (There’s no military

reason why they couldnt). Thus—and so—

I’m so fearful your #1 hunch is

going to be right, but your #2 hunch

of my being enroute is, thus, wrong.

Say! dearest, please acknowledge in a

letter that the CBI trip will be a

horrible-terrific mail-“gaposis.” Lordieee!

something like 2 M-O-N-T-H-S ON H2O

‘N me, who “loves” the ocean so much!

Hell!—Ill go nuts after 2 months on

an ocean!—but now (in view of this)

a 2 months “gaposis” should not have

you “nuts,” darlin—just “nuisanced.”

Remember:—No news (to an Army wife) is good news!


Im tickled that you got to see

“Life c̅ Father.” I saw it c̅ Percy Waram

& L. Gish (?). Please! please! please! dont

ever apologize/“explain” like that again

for missing a night of letter writing.

Some night here, I gotta start

filtering home the “liberated”[7] items.

Some will seem like hunk to you but

I’ve taken nothing, really, that doesnt

have some thought-out use in our life.

I think Ill send it in multiple small

pkgs as looting/pillaging by the APO[8]

Service should really be at its “all-time-


I could rep. dozens of things but

I think I’ll have Dad fall-faint by

writing another V-mail right now

(2 nights in a row). Also I wrote (answered)

8 letters last night from Edna Guichu

to Chaplain (Lt-Col) Clarke (who gave me that

wonderful thrill of an Easter Communion 3 wks late).

I lovez ya sooo, darlin—

All my love,



Say! please acknowledge that you

“click” on those “geographical” marriages

you read in past letters; Emily Belkott, etc, etc.

[1] Bracketed text written in upper left-hand corner of original.

[2] China Burma India. CBI was the US military designation for this area during the war.

[3] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[4] Hans Gerritsen, a Dutch paratrooper Wilsey became friends with while liberating Dachau.

[5] In original, “male” is written above “or,” which is written above “female.”

[6] In original, “morale” is written above “pep-talk.”

[7] Looted.

[8] Army Post Office.