May 8, 1945

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My Most Precious Being,

Europes war is over! The

emotions in my heart (& the hearts of every

116th Evac[1]er & 127th Evacer) just are more

tumultous than millions of others BECAUSE

Emily, we are sweating, stinking,

“existing” in The-Hell-On-Earth-DACHAU!

[Let every word of Jan or Dec Readers Digest bore-

through the middle of your guts—AND MULTIPLY

it 100 fold][2]. Dearest, the atrocity reports

are true—and more! For over 8 days

Ive seen-lived-smelled-“existed” it as

one of 78 doctors to try correct the medical-

horror-component of The-Hell-On-Earth.

Bodies starved to 50 pound men pilled like

rotting cord-word! Huge gas chambers

built like shower rooms (as a ruse)!

Hangmans scaffolds! Cremating ovens

for dead-dying-or still conscious skin-&-

bone wrecks of humanity! Stepping high

as you walk to work over dead bodies

in the street—Storm Troopers (The S.S.),

riot prisoners, & man-eating doberman

pincer dogs—all rotting!


We roared through the gates of Dachau

figurative “minutes” after its liberation—

while 40,000+ wrecks-of-humanity milled,

tore, looted, screamed, cried as/like

depraved beasts which the Nazi SS has

made them. In those early “minutes”

I saw captured S.S. tortured against

a wall & then shot in what you Americans

would call “cold-blood”—but Emily!

God forgive me if I say I say saw it

done s̅[3] a single disturbed emotion


after what I had just seen, & what every

minute more I have been seeing of

the SS-Beasts actions.

Why! the horror is so unbelievable

that they flew Congressmen to see it

the day we came. That famous W. DC

woman correspondent (“Life” mag.) ate c̅[4] us this

noon to see it. Ambassador Caffery (to France)

saw it today. Eisenhower is expected any

minute. All Europe’s biggest Cabinet,

Ambassadors, news-reelers, etc have been


Look for me in a news reel.[5]

AND!—to think this is only

“The Queen Bee” camp—others are worse


though much smaller & it is here the “policies”

were worked out for other lesser camps.

Infact, this Dachau is The-“Home” of SS

Bestiality—Himmler’s[6] “laboratory” &


Being “The Home” of SS it is not only

structurally the equivalent of a city of 50,000

but it is the warehouse/supply point

for hundreds of thousands more SS troopers.

Thus, I (yes I!) c̅ the others have

“liberated” (call it looted if you will) warehouses

for 3 intensive days & 5 less intensive

days. Dear, I just cant even start to

touch upon all that it stored here after

years of Nazi looting the Continentent [sic]

of Europe. let me describe it as thus:—

if I turned you loose in the Chicago

downtown loop of 5 square miles you

would find every item there AND HERE.

Maybe I’m raised “different” but Im

still not a “good” looter. However I have

hundreds of smallish items that are of

practical value. You migh[t] think some to

be junk but by & large its worthwhile.


We regret only that we each dont have

one freight car apiece to go to the USA


Ill only mention a few:— a fine deer

rifle, twin sweaters for you & I; silk

smock for your house-“hasty” work;

bea[u]tiful & expensive punching bag; I

passed over most of the beautiful Dresden

ware; Anesthesiology equipment; fine

optical lens equipment (I “missed” the best);

swords-tools-machinests apparatus;

fountain pens; lotions; Swastika & SS

banners to decorate our Rumpus Room; etc

etc. Yet, darlin’, I still [by comparison][7]

am a very “poor” looter {at least in actuality[8] BUT,

hold-your-breath on this—I hope,

I hope, I hope, my “leads” for about an

$800 F2 (lens) camera materializes.

Hundreds of Zeis “Ikon,” “Robot,” Leica, etc

(all ($300 to $800) have been “liberated” by

the 116th, but as yet I havent “hit it”

quite right. My prospects are very good

so keep your breath held really tight!

Which leads to one point too lengthy

to put on paper & every word is only a


[Missing pages.]

[1] Evacuation Hospital.

[2] Bracketed text is part of original.

[3] Medical abbreviation meaning “without.”

[4] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[5] In fact, his daughter Clarice did see him on such a news reel years later, in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.

[6] Heinrich Himmler, the Reich Leader of the SS.

[7] Bracketed text is part of original.

[8] In original, “at least” is written above “in actuality.”