May 27, 1945

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Dachau Concentration Camp

Germany 27 May 45

Oh, dearest,

Im going to dare to “dream”-

again-on-paper as I did last

night. (last night it was re: the Jap cabinet

getting sense enough to surrender). This time

it is the thought that even if the

Japs wont surrender, the 116th can

go via U.S.A.. Its almost too length

& complex to go into details but anyhooo

it is “glimmeringly” possible from

the most recent rumors. I just dont

dare, hardly, to even think of it so I’ll

stop; [except to point out that if it is via the

US—packing time, ocean travel time, leave at

home time, training (oriental) time, & they voyaging

time might add up to a total that could see

Japan just pulverized—& maybe common-

sensed enough to surrender.][1]. Ohhhh dearest!

wake up! Wilitzski[2]!

The mail hasnt come in yet today

& I hope this “charms” some letters into

my box. We learned that they can (or will)

fly airmail right into the Corps Areas.


Guess they must have tried/tested it out

a few days back as I noticed one of

your envelopes bore a 6 day-ago-post-

mark—but I couldn’t believe it

so I just discounted it as being

a wrong setting of the machine. Anyhooo,

it can happen, so now we can at least feel we are “closer.”

This sorta “half-assed” (“substitute”)

Rest Camp the C.O. has lined up 6 hrs

drive from here in the Alps is now

functioning. One group has been & returned.

Theoretically I am on a list to go tomorrow

morning about 8:30AM for 2 1/3 days there.

(2/3 day traveling to & from—a-course he

couldn’t make it exclusive of travel time).

Anyhooo, darlin’, even though I’m

sure I’ll write c̅[3]in the next 2 1/3

days, it might be that no mail box

is available to drop it in—sooo,

I apologize. I’m not the least bit

“steamed-up” [excited][4] about it as all

reports indicate it will be very

similar to liv[ing] in Elko {snow out your window lessened pressure etc[5],

which Ive really lived (namely 3½ years).


My MAIN REASON for going is that 36 hrs

ago I got a letter from Doby who should

be c̅in a radius of 40 miles of said spot.

I’ll try to find, see, & play c̅ him—

he say’s there are deer to shoot if I

come to see him. Soooo, hope Doby

& I find eachother—even if its

a measly 2 1/3 days. [Doby’s outfit is

sorta occupying, yet rest-camping, in an area

called Obermeingin—the 116th’s house is

on Achen See (sea) a lake near a bunch of towns called

“Achen”- - - {Achenwald Achenkirche,[6] etc. The nearest town is

something like Pertisan (very small). This whole

“zone” has Insbrook ↔ (Innsbruck, etc) as its “hub.”][7]

Mail just came & brought only

one letter—& that from Dad.

Thank him lots & tell him I hope

my 2 V-mails on successive nights,

3 nights ago, arrive speedily.

Guess, I better go eat now—

gosh! Im so hungry lately & I never

seem full—I know I’ve

worms in my head, but maybe I’ve

got ‘em in my intestines too.


Guess what! As I sat in the

dinning room tonight who walked in


but Henrietta Dickinson! She’s here

for 10 days as the Dietitian to Dachau.

She’s really dietitian of the 59th Evac.

who has some D.S.ed personell here

for 12-14 days. Anyhooo, we really

raked over the dim-dead-coals of

the past for 5½ hours. I’ll see her

more I know.

Gotta go to bed now dearest—

but I’ll see ya in my dreams

& as I walk (mebee!) in Alps mts

tomorrow. I’d rather walk in the Rubys!

I love you both so



[1] Bracketed text is part of original.

[2] Wilsey’s nickname for himself.

[3] Medical abbreviation meaning “with.”

[4] Bracketed text is part of original.

[5] In original, “snow out your” is written above “windows,” which is written above “lessened pressure etc.”

[6] In original, “Achenwald” is written above “Achenkirche.”

[7] Bracketed text is part of original.